- sampledSet/circle
- sampledSurface/sampledBoundedPlane
- sampledSurface/sampledPlaneAverage
- sampledSurface/sampledPlaneSpanwise
type surfaces;
libs ("libsampledPlaneAverage.so");
enabled true;
writeControl outputTime; // The same time control with case data write.
interpolationScheme cell; // suggest to use 'cell', which is suitable for various mesh size in the domain.
surfaceFormat vtk;
fields ( p T );
type sampledPlaneSpanwise; // choose class 'spanwiseAverage' to get spanwise averaging.
interpolate true; // Must be true, or it just cut the plane do not do spanwise average.
planeType pointAndNormal; // method used to specific the cuttingPlane
basePoint (0 0 0.1); // This is the origin point for cut plane and for spanwise average
normalVector (1 0 0); // This is the normal vector for cut plane, it must be one of the axis.
nPoints 72; // The sample points, how many data in 360 degree is used to average.
spanwiseVector (0 0 1); // The symmetry axis, it is the rotation vector for spanwise average
// it must be perpendicular to cut plan normalVector
type surfaces;
libs ("libsampledPlaneAverage.so");
enabled true;
writeControl outputTime; // The same time control with case data write.
interpolationScheme cell; // suggest to use 'cell', which is suitable for various mesh size in the domain.
surfaceFormat vtk;
fields ( p T );
type sampledPlaneAverage;
planeType pointAndNormal;
normal (1 0 0);
point (0 0 0);
interpolate true; //must be true
distance 1E-4; //interval
lineOfSight false; // false is average; true is sum