This is a little blockchain(similar to bitcoin right now) for educational purpose by Dr. PEI YAOYAO
- hash algrithom: Double sha256
- encryption: ECDSA, p2ksh, p2sh might be possible later
- consensus rule : proof of works
- wallet: random wallet
- peer type : all full peers, spv might be possible later
- smart contract: might be possible later
Firsty,12 peers join the game. Everyone got 1000 yuan at the beginning. 1 yuan = 10 jiao = 100 fen. fen is the minimum monetary unit. The buttons are "Make random transaction","Reach one consusens","Make one specific transastions", "reach five consensus","add one peer into network",and "quit".Try hover mouse on the buttons and heros, u got tips.
The source codes will be open lattely. Plz wait a sec if you are interested.
chick the button below.
Heros will make random transactions each other.Just like this.
But we can see the transactions are unconfirmed before consensus reached.
** Click to let heros reach consensus.**
We can see transactions are confirmed after consesus reached. The winner got subsidy and transaction fees.
** We can let heros make transactions with others. But at most 1000 fen limited.**
After that,we can see only one transactions in the net. Transactions will be written into blockchain after consensus reached
Five ramdom transactions making and consensus will conducted continuously.
Four peers at most and they are peniless.