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14.0 release
14.0 release
Issues that are confirmed descendants of the public 14.0 release.
build tooling
build tooling
Can't reproduce
Can't reproduce
changelog: bugfix
changelog: bugfix
Needs to be included in the 'Bugfixes' category in the changelog
changelog: enhancement
changelog: enhancement
Needs to be included in the 'Enhancements' category in the changelog
changelog: non-user-facing
changelog: non-user-facing
Needs to be included in the 'Non-userfacing' category in the changelog
changelog: other
changelog: other
Needs to be included in the 'Other' category in the changelog
changelog: reverted
changelog: reverted
Needs to be excluded from all categories in the changelog, should be used for reverted PR
compatibility: BuddyPress
compatibility: BuddyPress
Possible conflict with the BuddyPress plugin.
compatibility: Divi
compatibility: Divi
Possible conflict with the Divi plugin.
compatibility: Elementor
compatibility: Elementor
compatibility: Visual Composer
compatibility: Visual Composer
Possible conflict with the Visual Composer plugin.
compatibility: WooCommerce
compatibility: WooCommerce
Possible conflict with the Woocommerce plugin.
compatibility: WPML
compatibility: WPML
Possible conflict with the WPML plugin.
component: a11y
component: a11y
component: admin
component: admin
component: annotations
component: annotations
component: best practices
component: best practices
component: breadcrumbs
component: breadcrumbs
component: bulk editor
component: bulk editor
component: canonical
component: canonical
component: configuration wizard
component: configuration wizard
component: content analysis
component: content analysis
component: copy
component: copy