Repo of some handy scripts I wrote
This is for changing your volume and sending out a notification at the same time I recommend doing this with a keybinds e.g.
bindle=, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/ up
bindle=, XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/ down
bindle=, XF86AudioMute, exec, $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/ mute
This is for changing your volume and sending out a notification at the same time I recommend doing this with a keybinds e.g.
binde=, XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/ up
binde=, XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/ down
This is a script that I'd recommend running with cron every 5 minutes or so. It sends out notifications to warn the user when the battery is either too low and needs charging or too high and needs to be unplugged
A script I wrote to quickly enable / disable using an android tablet as a secondary monitor. Works on X11 and Wayland.
When using the script you need to run execute it with parameters "boot" or "kill"
Custom launch scripts for files of different mime-types
Switches audio output when connected to bluetooth devices