Instructions for preparing and initializing Content Navigator database.
Create a staging folder on db2 server using db2 os user (e.g. db2inst1).
Copy the following files to the staging folder of DB2 server:, DB2_CREATE_SCRIPT.sql and DB2_ONE_SCRIPT_ICNDB.sql
Give proper privileges to the shell script:
chmod 755
- On DB2 server, run the following shell (replace the parameters with the values for your system):
su <db2_os_user>
./ -n <database_name> -s <schema_name> -t <tablespace_name> -u <database_user> -a <navigator_admin_id>
su db2inst1
./ -n ICNDB -s ICNSCHEMA -t ICNTS -u db2inst1 -a p8admin
The parameters are explained in the following table:
Name | Description | Required |
n | Navigator database name | Yes |
s | Navigator database schema name | Yes |
t | Navigator database tablespace name | Yes |
u | Navigator database user name | Yes |
a | Navigator admin ID | Yes |
Create Oracle user (e.g. p8user) and create Oracle database for Navigator (e.g. icndb)
Create a staging folder on oracle client where sqlplus is installed.
Copy and ORACLE_ONE_SCRIPT_ICNDB.sql to staging folder
Give proper privileges to the shell script:
chmod 755
- Run the following shell (replace the parameters with the values for your system):
./ -s <database_user> -p <password> -r //<oracle_server_ip>:<oracle_server_port>/<database_name> -t <tablespace_name> -a <navigator_admin_id>
./ -s p8user -p password -r //localhost:1521/icndb -t ICNTS -a p8admin
The parameters are explained in the following table:
Name | Description | Required |
s | Oracle user(schema) name | Yes |
p | Oracle user password | Yes |
r | URL for connecting to Oracle | Yes |
t | Navigator database tablespace name | Yes |
a | Navigator admin ID | Yes |