This repository contains a small collection of radical snippets for yasnippet.
As this collection has only just been created, for the time being this
collection is not available on MELPA. In the meantime, you
may install it directly from my personal
archive. This can be done by adding the
following snippet to your emacs
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("xaldew" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-unsigned-archives "xaldew")
Once that is done, then just refresh the packages and install it with:
- M-x package-refresh-contents
- M-x package-install yasnippet-snippets
Alternatively, you can also install the package using e.g.
use-package with the following
snippet in your .emacs
(use-package yasnippet-radical-snippets
:ensure t
:after yasnippet
For doom emacs:
(package! yasnippet-radical-snippets
:recipe (:host github :repo "Xaldew/yasnippet-radical-snippets"
:files (:defaults "snippets" "yasnippet-radical-snippets.el")))
Below are some examples of the snippets available in this repository, with some caveats listed below.
Requested, but not implemented yet.
This snippet attempts to grab type-information using the Semantic backend, falling back to regexp based extraction should it fail or not be available.
After some discussion with the MELPA maintainers, the Python snippets copied into a separate repository.
If you have a similarly interesting snippet that you think is too complex for a general collection, feel free to create an issue or pull-request to discuss it.
If you have found a bug in any of the available snippets and want to report it, please provide a minimal example that can reproduce it; these snippets are often a bit difficult to debug so please make it as easy as possible for us.