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RevZero edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 8 revisions


Welcome Dialog

When you start AML for the first time (or extracted a copy to a new folder), you are presented with the welcome dialog.

2020-04-26 20_30_53-Window

Game selection (v1.4)

You are required to select either XCOM 2 (WotC) or XCOM Chimera Squad, depending on which game you want to use this "copy" of AML for. This is currently a one time selection and can not be changed afterwards. If you want to use AML for both games, just use two copies of AML in different folders and select each game respectively.

Upgrading from v1.3.2 or earlier:
If you upgrade (overwrite) an AML version without Chimera Squad support (say v1.3.2) with AML v1.4, this copy will continue to target XCOM 2 and the Welcome Dialog will not be shown.

Error reporting

AML supports anonymous error reporting. It really helps us to identify issues, so please consider enabling that feature.


AML will try to automatically detect the games installation directory. If this fails, a warning dialog similar to "Could not detect path to installation directory" will show up and you have to configure the directory manually.

As soon as the main windows shows up, AML will automatically start searching for new mods and also update/refresh information for all existing mods.
This process is essentially the same as manually selecting File -> Search for new mods and then File -> Update mod information from the main menu bar.

If AML is unable to detect the default mod directory and/or doesn't find any mods, try to select the correct mod folder(s) manually.

Hint: You can use "Tools->Import active mods" to enable all mods, that have been active since the last time XCOM was started (either from the default launcher or from another copy of AML).

If you started (this copy of) AML for the first time, you might want to take a look at the settings dialog.



2020-04-30 21_00_31-Window

Game Options

  • Base Path
  • Mod Directories
  • Active Arguments
  • Quick toggle arguments


  • Check for updates
  • Include Pre-Release updates
  • Send anonymous error reports
  • Allow multiple instances
  • Close after launch


  • Show hidden mods
  • Auto-number mod indexes
  • Never import tags and categories
  • Use mod-specific categories
  • Use translucent mod-list selection
  • Enable duplicate mod ID workaround

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