The goal of this project is to provide a person with a standardized format for getting linestar ownership data so that it can be used for better understanding daily fantasy competitions
In order to scrape this page, lots of tedious work would have to be done in order to pull data from this site that could only be used for a specific use case. Why not make a package that can be used by everyone? This page contains valueable information to fantasy players and can be used for many DFS data science applications.
pip install linestar-scrape
- Be sure to update often to get the latest mapping from human datetime to linestar date id
- Python datetime
Output: Linestar Page Data Object containing Linestar Data For That Date
fanduel_nba_own_date_range(date1, date2)
- date1 = Python datetime for first date
- date2 = Python datetime for second date
Output: Linestar Map with Date String (YYYY-MM-DD) being the key and a Linestar Page Data Object being a value for inclusive range of dates
Linestar Page Data
Object Name: LinestarPageData
- date
- competitions (array of LinestarCompeition)
- url (link to url scraped)
Linestar Competitions
Object Name: LinestarCompeition
- name (competition name)
- id (competition id)
- games (number of games for competition)
- gpp (True if GPP Competition)
- doubleUp (True if Double Up Competition)
- players (Array of LinestarPlayerObject)
Linestar Players
Object Name: LinestarPlayerObject
- id (player id)
- name (player name)
- owned (percent owned, in float format (ie: 78.2))
- pos (position)
- team
- sal (salary)
import linestar
single_data = linestar.standard.fanduel_nba_own_date(datetime(2019, 2, 10))
range_data = linestar.standard.fanduel_nba_own_date(datetime(2019, 2, 5), datetime(2019, 2, 10))