Make a directory
git clone
Virtual Env acts as a virtual enviornment so that we can virtually install python packages and not overwrite the ones on our system
pip install virtualenv
Go to your directory where you cloned the repository
$ cd RecruitFortuneTeller
$ virtualenv ENV
$ source env/bin/activate
- Make sure in home directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ deactivate
$ source bin/activate
pip install package
pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ deactivate
Commit the requirements.txt file
git pull
Open PyCharm
Go to PyCharm > Preferences > Project: Name > Project Interpreter
Click the Settings/Gear button next to the project Interpreter
Click Add Local
Navigate in the navigator to where your project is stored
Click ENV > bin
Click Python then select okay
All does right now is that it gets an access code via OAuth2 protocol and makes a request to get a timelines tweet. Run in pycharm to see what the data object returns
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Get All Tweets (Only Get 1 Batch Due to Count Issue/Deleted Tweets)