Automated JIRA reporting of issue from various sources (PHP fatal errors, exceptions, SQL queries errors, CSRF issues, ...) also known as Norsk skogkatt.
- clone the repository
- run
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
make test
- script:
make check
- schedule: five minutes after every hour
Every time you make changes to any of the files in this repository, a new Docker
image has to be built and pushed to Artifactory. make cronjob-deploy
will do
it for you. Refer to the Makefile
for details.
IMPORTANT: Changes will affect production environment. If you want to work on dev
make sure to examime the files and make required changes.
$ kubectl --context=kube-sjc-prod --namespace=prod get cronjob jira-reporter
: display cronjob metadata -
kubectl --context=kube-sjc-prod --namespace=prod get pods | grep jira-reporter
: list all pods associated with the cronjob -
kubectl --context=kube-sjc-prod --namespace=prod logs -f jira-reporter-1549370100-p7mmr
: monitor the output of your script; remember to check the pod name withget pods