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Find Related Notes

WetHat edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Finding Related Notes

To find related notes it is sometimes more convenient to use a more lenient way to filter pages than progressive refinement. The progressive refinement approach is based on the intersection of page sets having all the selected tags. The resulting pages have all of the selected tags. This is an efficient way to quickly reduce the number of pages in a search result, particularly if multiple tags are selected.

In some cases, however, it is preferable to filter for pages which have any of a set of tags. There is no direct implementation of such a method, but something similar can be achieved by using one of the methods described below.

Finding Related Notes Manually

Refinement Tags

  1. We define a search scope by selecting one of the pre-difined scopes from (1).

  2. Optionally we define an additional search criterion in (2)

  3. We use one of the preset tag filter (1) or a manually entered filter (2) as described in Working with Refinement Tags to show only tags we are interested in. Note that the number displayed for each tag denotes the number of pages having that tag. This approach is somewhat similar to a any combination of tags. However, since tags are selected by name substring matching rather than tag selection, this method casts a wider net.

  4. We use one of the refinement methods described in Find Notes by Tags or Facetted-Search to focus on a subset of pages.

Finding Related Notes Atomatically

Find Related Notes

When tag tracking (2) is enabled:

  • The current note's title is displayed next to the tag tracking (2) checkbox.
  • The tags on the current OneNote page are extracted and pre-set as filter tags (1). This is equivalent to using the Tags from Current Page filter preset as described in Working with Refinement Tags. However, with tag tracking (2) enabled the tag filter is updated automatically whenever the current page changes.

To locate pages related to the current page you can use any of the search methods described in Find Notes by Tags] or Find notes by facetted search]