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Pipelines and scripts for single-cell best practices


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Pipelines and scripts for single-cell best practices


You'll need the following software:

  • Cell Ranger
  • R with the following packages, all available through CRAN unless otherwise noted:
    • Seurat
    • dplyr
    • argparser
    • ggplot2
    • edgeR (get through Bioconductor rather than CRAN)
    • MAST (get through BioConductor rather than CRAN)

You can install the R package contained in this repository if you've got R installed by downloading the source from github and then telling R to install it:

git clone
cd single-cell

This command should in theory be able to install all the dependencies so you don't have to do it yourself, but usually installing Seurat requires some manual intervention to get some of its dependencies.

You can also optionally install the Python scripts for this distribution if you need their functionality. (Assuming you start in the "single-cell" directory):

cd python
python install

If you want to use nextflow to run the Cell Ranger pipeline (recommended), you'll also need to install nextflow with the following command if you haven't already:

curl -s | bash

This creates a binary named 'nextflow' in your current directory; you probably want to move it to somewhere in your path.

Nextflow on lewis

Nextflow needs to be run from htc due to file-locking issues, but is much faster when it's doing file operations on hpc. To get around this, you can set it to always use a work directory on hpc by adding something like this to your .bashrc (changing the location, of course):

export NXF_WORK=/storage/hpc/group/warrenlab/users/esrbhb/nx_work

A good nextflow configuration for lewis is in nextflow.config. Copy this file to the directory you are running nextflow from.

Cell Ranger

Creating a reference

Cell Ranger needs reference indices in its own special format. If you are running it on a reference genome you haven't run it on before, you'll need to create those indices. Check whether there are already is already a reference available, though. For example, there is a Cell Ranger chicken reference at


The commands I used to generate this reference can be found in this repository in Take a look at the official documentation on making a Cell Ranger reference for more information. As recommended in the documentation, this example script keeps only protein-coding genes (including those in mtDNA) and lncRNAs, discarding other types of features like rRNAs that could confound the analysis.

Creating a sample sheet

Cell Ranger needs a table of information about your samples as input. This is a good place to note information about, e.g., which samples are control and which are treatment, so that these data are associated with the samples in the output tables. It takes this as a comma-separated value (csv) file with the first line as a header. The first column must be called library_id and contain the id of the sample as encoded in the fastq filename (e.g., the library ID of a file called 61C_S7_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz is just 61C). All other columns are optional, and can contain whatever data you'd like. Here's an example:


Running with nextflow

The whole Cell Ranger pipeline can be run for all your samples with a single nextflow command. Just copy the files and nextflow.config from this repository into your project directory (must be on htc), edit the first few lines of to point it to the right reference and fastq files, and start the pipeline:

nextflow run

This pipeline runs the count command for each sample separately on its own node, and then runs the aggregate command to normalize across samples once all the count commands are done. Cell Ranger's batch capabilities do not play well with SLURM in my experience, so this pipeline runs each command in local mode, but parallelizes the running of the commands across different nodes.

Once all the Cell Ranger stuff is done, the pipeline runs some basic analyses in Seurat with very permissive cutoffs and (hopefully) sensible defaults. This should not be the only Seurat run you do. See the section below for more defaults.

Once the pipeline is finished running, there should be a directory called aggregate with various outputs from cellranger, and seurat_out for some plots from Seurat.


Cell Ranger aligns all the scRNA-seq reads to the reference, and then tabulates a matrix of how many times each gene (or rather, "feature," as you can also count non-gene things like lncRNAs) shows up in each cell. You probably want to actually use this big dataset to learn things, though, which is where Seurat comes in. Seurat makes it easy to do some common data analysis tasks with this big matrix, such as:

  • filtering out things that aren't useful, like cells that are undergoing apoptosis, or genes that don't get expressed often enough to tell you anything
  • normalizing and scaling the counts to make them comparable to each other across cells and features
  • integrating data from different experiments or conditions
  • reducing the dimensionality of the data so you can look at it in two dimensions instead of two thousand dimensions
  • clustering the cells into groups with similar expression profiles
  • finding marker genes for each cluster so that you can label them with cell identities
  • visualizing the data in a bunch of different ways

This package contains a wrapper script in R that uses Seurat to do all of these things, run_seurat.R. The nextflow pipeline runs this script on the Cell Ranger output with permissive default parameters. That is, very few things are filtered out. It also makes some diagnostic plots that will hopefully be helpful for choosing better parameters than the defaults, such as feature_plot.pdf, violin_plot.pdf, and elbow.pdf.

How to choose good parameters is beyond the scope of this README, but the Seurat vignettes and this paper are good places to learn about that. We strongly recommend running run_seurat.R with a couple different sets of parameters. You can see the options with

run_seurat.R -h

You can also use this script for comparative analysis between different sets of conditions (e.g., treated and untreated) with the --integrate and --group-var options. For example, with the example sample sheet from this README, you could set --group-var=challenge_status to compare the challenged and control cells.

Finally, although we've included in this script all of the analyses we always run on a new single-cell data set, there are likely some other things you want to do based on the questions you generated your data to answer, so you can do this by starting an interactive R session and loading the seurat object, which the script saves as an RDS file, like this:

seurat <- readRDS('seurat_out/seurat.rds')

and then plot away!


Pipelines and scripts for single-cell best practices







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