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A tool for generating traces from GitHub Actions. The generated traces are compatible with Perfetto. Example traces can be found in this discussion post.

Getting started

  1. Download the .whl file from the latest release.
  2. Install the wheel: pip install <path_to_file.whl>
  3. Run the CLI: gatrace --help

Example usage:

gatrace generate-trace

This will generate a trace file in the current directory.

To view the trace, you can use Perfetto UI.

To generate traces for private repositories, you will need to provide a GitHub token. You can do this by passing the --github-token argument to the CLI.

gatrace generate-trace <run_url> --github-token <token>

Note that to view organization private repositories, the token must have the read:org scope.


This project uses PDM for dependency management.

# Install dependencies
pdm sync --dev

# Run tests
pdm run --verbose pytest tests

# Run CLI
pdm run gatrace


Releases are manually created from the Releases page. CI will automatically build the wheel and publish it to the release page. Release notes can be auto-generated via the web interface.

Please follow semantic versioning when creating tags for releases. Tags should be prefixed with v (e.g. v1.0.0). Version numbers less than 1.0.0 should be considered unstable and may have breaking changes in minor versions.