NFormlySchema is a .NET library for the Formly Schema generation.
Formly Schema is used by the ngx-formly project which is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library for Angular.
using NFormlySchema;
var formlyFieldConfigCollection = FormlySchema.FromType<Foo>();
var formlySchema = formlyFieldConfigCollection.ToJson();
Below is a .NET type for the Formly's Introduction Example
public class IntroductionExample
private const string AwesomeLabelExpression = @"(model, formState) =>
? ""Too bad, formly is really awesome...""
: ""Is formly totally awesome? (uncheck this and see what happens)""";
private const string WhyNotPlaceholderExpression = @"(model, formState) =>
? ""Too bad... It really is awesome! Wasn't that cool?""
: ""Type in here... I dare you""";
[Display(Name = "Text", Prompt = "Formly is terrific!")]
public string Text { get; set; }
public NestedType Nested { get; set; }
[ExpressionProperty("templateOptions.disabled", "formState.awesomeIsForced")]
[ExpressionProperty("templateOptions.label", AwesomeLabelExpression, IsFunction = true)]
public bool Awesome { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Why Not?", Prompt = "Type in here... I dare you")]
[ExpressionProperty("templateOptions.placeholder", WhyNotPlaceholderExpression, IsFunction = true)]
[ExpressionProperty("templateOptions.disabled", "formState.awesomeIsForced")]
public string WhyNot { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Custom inlined")]
public string Custom { get; set; }
public class NestedType
private const string StoryDescriptionExpression = @"(model, formState) =>
formState.awesomeIsForced ? 'And look! This field magically got focus!' : null";
[Display(Name = "Some sweet story",
Prompt = "It allows you to build and maintain your forms with the ease of JavaScript :-)")]
[ExpressionProperty("focus", "formState.awesomeIsForced")]
[ExpressionProperty("templateOptions.description", StoryDescriptionExpression, IsFunction = true)]
public string Story { get; set; }
System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute: Name
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute: PropertyName
- Property name
NFormlySchema.FieldTypeAttribute: Type
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotationsAttribute: DataType
map:DataType.Custom => dataAnnotationsAttribute.CustomDataType, DataType.DateTime => "input" DataType.Date => "input" DataType.Time => "input" DataType.Duration => "input" DataType.PhoneNumber => "input" DataType.Currency => "input" DataType.Text => "input" DataType.Html => "textarea" DataType.MultilineText => "textarea" DataType.EmailAddress => "input" DataType.Password => "input" DataType.Url => "input" DataType.ImageUrl => "input" DataType.CreditCard => "input" DataType.PostalCode => "input" DataType.Upload => "file"
- "select"Enum
- "select"bool
- "checkbox"ICollection
- "repeat"Note: "repeat" is not a standard Formly field type. See
System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute: Value
System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute: DisplayName
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotation.DisplayAttribute: Name
System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute: IsRequired
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute: Prompt
System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute: Description
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute: Description
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RangeAttribute: (Minimum, Maximum)
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MinLengthAttribute: Length
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MaxLengthAttribute: Length
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RegularExpressionAttribute: Pattern
System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute: IsReadOnly
For Enum
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute: Name
- Enum field name
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute: PropertyName
System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute: Name
- Enum field name
NFormlySchema.EnumValueGroupAttribute: Name
For other simple types:
. The majority of its code was kindly taken from the
and you may expect a similar API. The attribute provides a data
source for "select" fields, with the data coming from one of the following sources:
- A static property
- A static field
- A static method (with parameters)
The member must return something compatible with IEnumerable<object>.
The label
, value
and group
values are taken either from the corresponding
property names, or from the properties which names are specified in the
NFormlySchema.MemberSelectDataAttribute (LabelProp, ValueProp, GroupProp)
NFormlySchema.MultipleAttribute: Multiple
NFormlySchema.RowsAttribute: Count
NFormlySchema.InputTypeAttribute: Type
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DataTypeAttribute: DataType
map:DataType.Custom => dataTypeAttribute.CustomDataType DataType.DateTime => "datetime-local" DataType.Date => "date" DataType.Time => "time" DataType.Duration => null DataType.PhoneNumber => "tel" DataType.Currency => "number" DataType.Text => "text" DataType.Html => null DataType.MultilineText => null DataType.EmailAddress => "email" DataType.Password => "password" DataType.Url => "url" DataType.ImageUrl => "url" DataType.CreditCard => "tel" DataType.PostalCode => null DataType.Upload => "file" // see
- "datetime-local"byte
and nullable counterparts - "number"
NFormlySchema.AddonLeftAttribute: (Class, Text)
NFormlySchema.AddonRightAttribute: (Class, Text)
NFormlySchema.HideExpressionAttribute: (Expression, IsFunction)
NFormlySchema.ExpressionPropertyAttribute: (Property, Expression, IsFunction)
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute: (ErrorMessage)
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RegularExpressionAttribute: (ErrorMessage)
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MaxLengthAttribute: (ErrorMessage)
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MinLengthAttribute: (ErrorMessage)
NFormlySchema.ValidationMessageAttribute: (Name, MessageExpression, IsFunction)
NFormlySchema.ValidatorsAttribute: (Validators, IsFunction, IsAsync)
NFormlySchema.WrapperAttribute: Name
NFormlySchema.ClassNameAttribute: ClassName
over a complex property type.
If FieldGroupAttribute is not set over the complex property type, then the generated Formly Schema is flat, and nested properties are represented by complex keys like: "RootProperty.SubRootProperty.ChildProperty
NFormlySchema.FieldGroupAttribute: ClassName
Only ICollection
of simple types is supported for now.
The GetProperties
method does not guarantee that it will return properties in declaration order, so you can
use the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute: Order
to explicitly specify the order.
When an order is not specified, NFormlySchema assumes that it is 10000. This value allows for explicitly-ordered fields to be displayed before and after the fields that don't specify an order.