👋 Hi, I’m @ViniMig or just Vini!
👀 I’m interested in ... a whole lot of things, one day I am more tomAHto and another I'm more tomEYto. However, I like to believe I am a man of Science who just loves the chaos we call Universe.
🌱 I’m currently learning ... always trying to get more in-depth knowledge of Python. From time to time I peek into what's up in Machine Learning and Data Science, and recently completed a Machine Learning Specialization on Coursera. Randomly learn a tiny bit of different languages and frameworks, sometimes C# and Unity other times React Native. I secretly wish I could seriously code in C++ though.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... any interesting project, as long as it ends up bringing value to people and to the Planet (and ultimately the Cosmos) I'm in!
📫 How to reach me ... Through here or by email at: [email protected] ...alternatively shout my name three times, we never know...