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Repository files navigation Go SDK


The official [Checkout][checkout] Go client library.

Getting started

Make sure your project is using Go Modules (it will have a go.mod file in its root if it already is):

go mod init
import (

Run any of the normal go commands (build/install/test). The Go toolchain will resolve and fetch the checkout-sdk-go module automatically.

API Keys

This SDK can be used with two different pair of API keys provided by Checkout. However, using different API keys imply using specific API features. Please find in the table below the types of keys that can be used within this SDK.

Account System Public Key (example) Secret Key (example)
default pk_g650ff27-7c42-4ce1-ae90-5691a188ee7b sk_gk3517a8-3z01-45fq-b4bd-4282384b0a64
Four pk_pkhpdtvabcf7hdgpwnbhw7r2uic sk_m73dzypy7cf3gf5d2xr4k7sxo4e

Note: sandbox keys have a test_ or sbox_ identifier, for Default and Four accounts respectively.

If you don't have your own API keys, you can sign up for a test account here.


The SDK doesn't support any OAuth authentication flow natively, however it supports OAuth authorization tokens that can be used as API keys. For more information about OAuth please refer to the official documentation.

How to use the SDK

The SDK is structured by different modules and each module gives you access to different business features. All these modules can be instantiated at once, or you can choose to create single modules separately.

import (

api := client.CheckoutApi(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var tokensClient = api.Tokens
import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var tokensClient = tokens.NewClient(*config)


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = tokens.NewClient(*config) // or api.Tokens
var card = &client.Card{
    Type:        common.Card,
    Number:      "4242424242424242",
    ExpiryMonth: 2,
    ExpiryYear:  2022,
    Name:        "Customer Name",
    CVV:         "100",
var request = &tokens.Request{
    Card: card,
response, err := client.Request(request)


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

var source = payments.TokenSource{
    Type:  common.Token.String(),
    Token: "tok_",
var request = &payments.Request{
    Source:   source,
    Amount:   "100",
    Currency: "USD",
    Reference: "Payment Reference",
    Customer: &payments.Customer{
        Email: "[email protected]",
        Name:  "First Name Last Name",
    Metadata: map[string]string{
        "udf1": "User Define",

idempotencyKey := checkout.NewIdempotencyKey()
params := checkout.Params{
    IdempotencyKey: &idempotencyKey,

response, err := client.Request(request, &params)

Payment Detail

import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

response, err := client.Get("pay_")


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

response, err := client.Actions("pay_")


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

idempotencyKey := checkout.NewIdempotencyKey()
params := checkout.Params{
    IdempotencyKey: &idempotencyKey,

request := &client.CapturesRequest{
    Amount:    100,
    Reference: "Reference",
    Metadata: map[string]string{
        "udf1": "User Define",
response, err := client.Captures("pay_", request, &params)


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

idempotencyKey := checkout.NewIdempotencyKey()
params := checkout.Params{
    IdempotencyKey: &idempotencyKey,

request := &client.VoidsRequest{
    Reference: "Reference",
    Metadata: map[string]string{
        "udf1": "User Define",
response, err := client.Voids("pay_", request, &params)


import (

config, err := checkout.SdkConfig(&secretKey, &publicKey, Sandbox) // or Production
var client = payments.NewClient(*config) // or api.Payments

request := &payments.RefundsRequest{
    Amount:    100,
    Reference: "Reference",
    Metadata: map[string]string{
        "udf1": "User Define",

idempotencyKey := checkout.NewIdempotencyKey()
params := checkout.Params{
    IdempotencyKey: &idempotencyKey,

response, err := client.Refunds("pay_", request, &params)

More documentation related to Checkout API and the SDK is available at:

The execution of integration tests require the following environment variables set in your system:

  • For Default account systems: CHECKOUT_PUBLIC_KEY & CHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY

Code of Conduct

Please refer to Code of Conduct
