This repository provides code to detect people in car-cabin images and classify the type of passengers in each image (driver, front-seat passenger, back-seat passenger).
The mmdetection framework ( was used to train and apply an object detector to detect people. Instructions on how to use the framework are located in
To install the framework the recommened method is by following these steps:
Install Docker (
Create a new file named "Dockerfile" and copy inside the contents of "docker/Dockerfile".
Run: docker build . -t mmdetection
Run: nvidia-docker run -it --gpus=all --rm -v "path_to_local_folder":"path_inside_docker" mmdetection bash
An example is given in "demo/inference_demo.ipynb" ( on how to run and test for a single image using a configuration file and a checkpoint file. Create a new python file copying the contents of it and run accordingly.
The configuration file used to test the Faster RCNN model is:
The checkpoint file can be found in:
For further processing, output detections should be converted to .txt format with: "person confidence xmin ymin xmax ymax" on each row and a separate .txt for each image.
Install dependencies by running: pip install -r requirements_classification.txt
Run using: python "name".py --det "folder_containing_detections" --gt "folder_containing_ground_truth"
Annotations and pre-computed detections are provided in:
To perform occupant classification for the BCI_TrainingD dataset and for all images use:
"name".py ->
"folder_containing_detections" should contain detections for each image in .txt format.
"folder_containing_ground_truth" should contain ground truth for each image in .txt format (Yolo format from CVAT annotation tool
To perform occupant classification for the VTT1_OONZ5I dataset and for all images use:
"name".py ->
"folder_containing_detections" should contain detections for each image in .txt format.
"folder_containing_ground_truth" should contain a file named joint.json (COCO format from CVAT annotation tool
For day only images: "name".py ->
For night only images: "name".py ->
For each occupant type (driver, front seat passenger, back seat passenger):
True Positives, True Negatives, False Positives, False Negatives, Accuracy
Optional Output (can be obtained by commenting out):
ROC curve, AUC, confidence thresholds that results in maximum F1 score