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Louis Maddox edited this page Nov 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

To edit files, please fork to your own repo, make changes (you might want to git clone to your local machine and edit there rather than on GitHub), then make a pull request. Admins can "merge" PRs into the master branch in the original repo.

Usage guide:

  • index.HTML contains Ruby commands interpreted by the packages specified in the Gemfile ... (?) and Jekyll gets these executed to produce HTML (the results can be seen in _site/index.html - the _site directory is listed in the .gitignore thus never deposited in this repo)
  • CSS is generated in _site/css from SASS files in the css directory. To add custom styles, edit main.sass, following SASS's 2-space-nesting layout (explained here).
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