Releases: UnknownSuperficialNight/SteamReviewTemplate
Download your platform binary below and enjoy.
Please note that these binaries are built for generic architecture. They may not function correctly on some AMD/Intel CPUs or older/newer models. If you encounter issues such as low ISA levels or floating-point errors during execution, we recommend compiling the binaries yourself. This should resolve any problems you may face. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!
Binary to choose
.exe is for windows
Full Changelog: SRT-Version-v0.0.1...SRT-Version-v0.0.2
Download your platform binary below and enjoy.
Please note that these binaries are built for generic architecture. They may not function correctly on some AMD/Intel CPUs or older/newer models. If you encounter issues such as low ISA levels or floating-point errors during execution, we recommend compiling the binaries yourself. This should resolve any problems you may face. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!
Binary to choose
.exe is for windows