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Subtitle word frequencies


This repository contains python scripts to extract word frequency data from a collection of subtitle files.

Notable features:

  • Frequency lists can be converted to the format used by T-scan.
  • Summarise the total data per genre based on an accompanying metadata file
  • Text can be lemmatised using Frog or spaCy.

The purpose of this repository is to provide transparency in our data processing and to make it easier to repeat the frequency analysis on newer data in the future. It is not developed to be of general use, but we include a licence for reuse (see below).



The scripts are designed for a collection of subtitles from the NPO (Dutch public broadcast). This dataset is not provided in this repository and is not publicly available due to copyright restrictions. The Research Software Lab works on this data in agreement with the NPO, but we cannot share the data with others.

Our data encodes subtitles as WebVTT files, with an accompanying metadata file included as an .xlsx file.


Scripts are written in Python and are structured into the following modules:

  • analysis for counting and lemmatising extracted text
  • metadata for parsing the metadata file to see the distribution of genres
  • tscan for converting frequency data to the format used by T-scan
  • vtt for extracting plain-text data from .vtt files


You'll need:

Install required python packages with

pip install -r requirements.txt


To perform lemmatisation, you'll also need to download data for spacy and/or frog.

After installing the requirements, run:

python -m spacy download nl_core_news_sm
python -c "import frog; frog.installdata()"


The following commands are supported.

Summary of genres

You can create a csv file that lists the genres and the number of files + total runtime per genre specified in a metadata spreadsheet. To run this:

python -m metadata.summary

to create a summary of the metadata file located in /data, which makes sense if the data folder contains a single xlsx file.

You can also specify the location:

python -m metadata.summary path/to/metadata.xlsx path/to/output.csv

Export plain text of VTT files

Takes a directory containing .vtt files as input and converts the contents to plain text files.

python -m vtt.convert_to_plain path/to/data

For each *.vtt file in the provided directory, the script will save a file next to it named *.plain.txt. This file contains the text of the subtitles, with one line per segment.

The script filters out some common non-utterances that appear in captions, e.g. (muziek), APPLAUS EN GEJUICH, 888.

Lemmatise plain text exports

After generating plain text files as above, you can generate a lemmatised version using either Frog or SpaCy.

python -m analysis.lemmatize path/to/data [--frog|--spacy]

The data directory is the same directory in which you ran vtt.convert_to_plain - it should contain the *.plain.txt files generated by that script. For each file, the lemmatisation script will generate *.lemmas.txt, which contains the lemmatised text.

Use the --frog or --spacy to set the lemmatiser. Frog is the default: it is also used in T-scan, so results are more likely to match. However, at the time of writing, spaCy is much faster than Frog.

Count token frequencies

You can count token frequencies in the cleaned files (generated by vtt.convert_to_plain or analysis.lemmatize) and export them to a csv with:

python -m analysis.collect_counts path/to/data

Use the option --level lemma to count in the lemmatised files. You can also specify the input directory and the output location:

python -m analysis.collect_counts path/to/data --output path/to-output.csv --level lemma

The resulting csv file lists the frequency for each word or lemma.

Convert frequencies to T-scan format

You can convert the output of the previous step into a file formatted for T-scan.

python -m tscan --input path/to/input.csv --output path/to/output

This is a tab-separated file without headers. Each row represents a term. Rows are sorted from most to least frequent and list:

  • the term
  • the absolute frequency
  • the cumulative absolute frequency
  • the cumulative percentile frequency


Unit tests

Run unit tests with


To add new python packages, add them to and run

pip-compile --outputfile requirements.txt


This repository is shared under a BSD 3-Clause licence.