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Summary Build Status

Bayonet contains utilities for doing probability inference.


Prerequisite software:

  • Java SDK 1.6+
  • Gradle version 1.9+ (not tested on Gradle 2.0)

There are several options available to install the package:

Integrate to a gradle script

Simply add the following lines (replacing 1.0.0 by the current version (see git tags)):

repositories {
 maven {
    url ""

dependencies {
  compile group: 'ca.ubc.stat', name: 'bayonet', version: '1.0.0'

Compile using the provided gradle script

  • Check out the source git clone [email protected]:alexandrebouchard/bayonet.git
  • Compile using gradle installApp
  • Add the jars in build/install/bayonet/lib/ into your classpath

Use in eclipse

  • Check out the source git clone [email protected]:alexandrebouchard/bayonet.git
  • Type gradle eclipse from the root of the repository
  • From eclipse:
    • Import in File menu
    • Import existing projects into workspace
    • Select the root
    • Deselect Copy projects into workspace to avoid having duplicates

Note: the probabilistic programming functionalities of this repository have been moved to separate repos (blangDSL and blangSDK).