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This repository is part of the Triton Data Center project (Triton). For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main SDC project page.

The SDC Volumes API (VOLAPI) manages volumes for SDC. Volumes can be used to store data that can be read and/or written by virtual machines (including Docker containers, infrastructure containers and hardware virtual machines).

For a complete overview of volapi, please read the RFD 26 document.


boot/           Shell scripts for booting and configuring the zone
deps/           Git submodules that contains dependencies that this
                repository uses to perform various tasks, such as code
docs/           Project docs (restdown)
lib/            Source files.
node_modules/   Node.js deps, populated at build time.
sapi_manifests/ Service API (SAPI) manifests
smf/manifests   SMF manifests
test/           Test suite (using node-tap)
tools/          Miscellaneous dev/upgrade/deployment tools and data.
package.json    npm module info (holds the project version)

NFS Zone

When a volume is created, volapi will provision a SmartOS zone with a fabric NIC attached. The zone will be marked with the following property:

vm.internal_metadata['sdc:system_role'] = 'nfsvolumestorage';

The NFS volumes (zones) created by volapi come in two different versions.

Version 1

Version 1 NFS volumes uses a Node.js server to handle the NFS connections.

Version 1 is deprecated and volapi will try to create version 2 volumes when possible.

Version 2

Version 2 NFS volumes use the SmartOS builtin NGZ (non global zone) NFS server.

Volumes (zones) created with version 2 will have the following internal_metadata property set:

vm.internal_metadata['volapi-nfs-version'] = 2;

Note that if a version 2 volume cannot be created (due to the requirement of a newer platform version not being available), then volapi will fallback to creating a version 1 NFS volume instead.


Getting started


In order to be able to use Docker NFS shared volumes (Docker volumes created with the tritonnfs driver), a working sdc-docker installation is required.

Without installing sdc-docker, it is still possible to use VOLAPI to create and use volumes, just not through Docker APIs/clients.


  1. Install and enable the VOLAPI service by running the following command on your DC's headnode:

    sdcadm post-setup volapi
  2. Enable NFS volumes feature flags by running the following commands on your DC's headnode:

    # Enables support for creating/managing NFS volumes with the docker API and
    # the docker volume commands
    $ sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker
    # Enables support for docker containers to automatically mount NFS volumes
    # at startup time
    $ sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker-automount
    # Enables support for creating/managing NFS volumes with CloudAPI
    $ sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi
    # Enables support for non-Docker VMs (except KVM VMs) to automatically mount
    # NFS volumes at startup time
    $ sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi-automount
  3. Install the latest version of node-triton to get NFS shared volumes support:

    npm install -g triton

Contributing changes

Before commiting/pushing run make prepush and, if possible, get a code review.


Running integration tests in COAL

make test-integration-in-coal