Table of Contents
AATBA Profile provides a secure, streamlined approach to online identity management. It allows users to verify their achievements, manage their profiles effectively, and share information efficiently, all within a single platform. It empowers users to maintain a unified digital identity across various platforms and showcase their accomplishments without compromising privacy or security.
AATBA Profile also shines by providing a significant use case for Soul Bound Tokens (SBT). It allows companies, institutions, and schools to directly deploy SBT collections to users' TBA NFTs. This innovation greatly simplifies the process of transitioning between wallets, ensuring that users can effortlessly transfer their profiles without the risk of profile or account loss.
In summary, AATBA Profile simplifies online identity management for individuals and organizations within the blockchain and hackathon communities. It streamlines the process of creating, verifying, and sharing profiles, enhances the usability of Soul Bound Tokens, and ensures users can confidently manage their digital identities in a dynamic web3 landscape.
ERC6551Registry: 0x1f42d3C75444D0467f2542fAEa5efB575d068236
VerifiedCollectionRegistry: 0xAe19Be963053087e94762d9996726B96c017776A
SubProfileTBA: 0xeE4A0a3b434F4F0CcE2FE4b176cF4916dc40aCc8
SubProfileFactory: 0xe1bF95D02D5F7349FaA593Dd4d84481BcBC9803f
UserAccountFactory: 0x5f529a33278E7774C99b98CeA8272613bA9cB0ab
*️⃣ Mantle Testnet:
ERC6551Registry: 0xeE4A0a3b434F4F0CcE2FE4b176cF4916dc40aCc8
VerifiedCollectionRegistry: 0xe1bF95D02D5F7349FaA593Dd4d84481BcBC9803f
SubProfileTBA: 0x5f529a33278E7774C99b98CeA8272613bA9cB0ab
SubProfileFactory: 0x8c364EC7dB36E25FA1793346E32Fba309915bd3B
UserAccountFactory: 0xD0F92DfA311dF3f9FCFdb5a055B08832eA184133
ERC6551Registry: 0x1f42d3C75444D0467f2542fAEa5efB575d068236
VerifiedCollectionRegistry: 0xAe19Be963053087e94762d9996726B96c017776A
SubProfileTBA: 0xeE4A0a3b434F4F0CcE2FE4b176cF4916dc40aCc8
SubProfileFactory: 0xe1bF95D02D5F7349FaA593Dd4d84481BcBC9803f
UserAccountFactory: 0x5f529a33278E7774C99b98CeA8272613bA9cB0ab