=---------- MODULES -----------=
To access modules (such as Discord or fs) please use this:
If the client is not passed through in your file, you can access it like this:
let client = require(`./index.js`);
=---------- FUNCTIONS -----------=
Functions are stored under the "functions" directory. To setup a functions file:
The file should look like this:
module.exports = (one, two, three) => {
//code here
You should then update the functions.js file with the respective file, for example:
null: require(`./functions/null.js`)
=---------- STORAGE -----------=
To make life easy, I have implemented a storage system. Static information can be stored in Javascript files, it looks like JSON.
The file should look like this:
module.exports = {
info: `info`,
"info": `info`
You can do as you please in storage files. From here, please add the new storage file to storage.js; it should look like this:
info: require(`./storage/info.js`)
From here, you can access the storage file like this:
client.storage.<filename>["info"] for the "info" export
client.storage.<filename>.info for the info: export
=-------------- NOTES -----------------=
Due to how I have implemented these systems, you will never need to update the index.js file, the only files you should edit that are in the main directory are:
functions.js modules.js storage.js
and the sub-directories following it.