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ledvis install

(Excuse me for the unordered readme. it's a mix of previous owner and me)

Install all requirements & dependencies @ first

cd ~
git clone
cd ledvis
cd ~/ledvis/Services
sed -i -e "s/<username>/"$USER"/g" ledvis.service flask.service
sudo cp * /etc/systemd/system/

To run use following command:

sudo systemctl start ledvis.service

sudo is needed because this we are starting a system service


This is meant to run on a Raspberry Pi. (original author used pi 3. I'm using pi 4)

  • rpi_ws281x
  • adafruit-ads1x15
  • screen
  • Flask

Run this to install the rpi_ws281x (LED) driver library (Be aware that this goes against best practices. If you want this done correctly. the package needs to be done under venv)

sudo pip3 install rpi_ws281x --break-system-packages

And run this to install the other dependencies - (Be aware that this goes against best practices. If you want this done correctly. the package needs to be done under venv)

pip install adafruit-ads1x15 --user --break-system-packages	# install the ADS1015 i2c library
sudo apt install screen python3-matplotlib python3-pyaudio python3-requests python3-flask		# get screen

We also need to disable audio taking ownership of PWM. to do this run this command

echo "blacklist snd_bcm2835" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-blacklist.conf

Repo Organization

  • contains execture three processes: one to sample the ADC, one to process the data, and one to write to the LEDs
  • contains classes the define how to process a sample array into color values to be displayed
  • contains functions for normalizing and smoothing the incoming audio signal
  • contains functions for create a color mask given an amplitude (used in VooMeter in
  • does what is sounds like it does

To get it to run automatically on the Pi

Run the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable ledvis.service

I also found that one of the PWM channels wasn't initializing properly. To fix this i used the following entry in \boot\config.txt dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,pin=12,func=4,pin2=13,func2=4

refer to: or /boot/overlays/README for dtoverlay settings applicable for you pins

If you have issues with it complaining about audio channels. it may be that the default audio device is being used. run "" to get the device number and remember to put that in your file