Releases: TexasDigitalLibrary/dspace-reports
Releases · TexasDigitalLibrary/dspace-reports
DSpace Reports 2.0.0
[2.0.0] - 2024-08-12
- Now using the new DSpace REST API instead of the old DSpace 6 API that was removed in DSpace 8
- No longer using the OAI-PMH feed to get list of items; using the new REST API instead
- Switched from pipenv to Poetry for dependency management
- Fixed problem where long Solr requests weren't given enough time to finish
- Tons of Pylint fixes to improve code readability
- Important dependency updates
DSpace Reports 1.2.0
[1.2.0] - 2023-02-16
- Added optional delay to Item indexer (useful for larger repositories)
- Added error messaging to PostgreSQL connection
- Fixed bug with extra slash in Solr utility
- Important dependency updates to psycopg2, requests, urllib3, XlsxWriter, etc.
DSpace Reports 1.1.0
[1.1.0] - 2022-03-01
- Added the ability to email the reports as Excel files (default) or a ZIP archive file
- Fix bug with September's statistics not being added to the current academic year
- Updated README with PostgreSQL role and database creation instructions
- Dependency updates to psycopg2, requests, urllib3, XlsxWriter, etc.
DSpace Reports 1.0.0
This is the first release of a usage statistics reporting tool for DSpace repositories. It is written in Python 3 and uses several Python libraries to generate community, collection and item views and downloads statistics, along with their associated metadata. To do all this the tool accesses the DSpace OAI-PMH, REST API and Solr endpoints. The results are stored in a PostgreSQL database, and the user has the ability to generate Excel files with the statistics and email them to a list of DSpace repository administrators. For questions, comments, or assistance please email [email protected].