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The entry point is the web folder.

CLARA in the current state uses AllenNLP's prediction model due to its high evaluation metrics. Thus, the setup requires Python 3.6 and allennlp v0.8. Refer to Part 2 (Set Up Tutorial) to set up AllenNLP in its own state.

It is important to note the module versions that must be installed to prevent stray errors. This version of allennlp is very outdated and several of its dependencies rely on much older modules.

You must download the SciCite pretrained model, as CLARA requires the model to perform re-ranking after classification.

Please save the model as scicite.tar.gz under the G20_SciCite\data folder. This is the same folder where the corpus folder is located.

To run the entire project, start from the G20_SciCite folder C:\path\to\G20_SciCite\ and run the command python .\web\ After the initialization process, taking about 1 minute, a local address should open where you can test the project.


Click into this local address and a browser page will open. You may search for data using the search box.


On the webpage, the first table shows the retrieved citations via basic cosine similarity using log tf-idf. The second table shows the refined retrieval of citations after CLARA is performed.


Part 1 (Ours)

Step 1:

Download pretrained weight(i.e.,Glove):

We have transformed the word embedding to .npy file so you don't have to do the conversion process.

Download the pretrained weight from:

Put it at the 'Varied' directory as such strcture:



Install pytorch and cuda from:


Run the following command

git clone
cd Varied
conda create --name 4248 python=3.8
conda activate 4248
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install en-core-web-sm




Manually run it

If you have any difficulty or questions running or performing the training process, please free feel to contact [email protected]

Part 2 (Using the original AllenNLP version)

Setup Tutorial

To use this library, you must use Python 3.6.X. Also ensure that you have pip installed, as we will be using pip to install our packages into the virtual environment.

Create a virtual environment, either with Anaconda or with pip, with Python 3.6.X. In this tutorial, I am using Python 3.6.13.

Activate the virtual environment, either with Anaconda navigator or with the command line.

Install allennlp==0.8 into the virtual environment. It is important to use this version of AllenNLP, as the code in this repository is not compatible with the latest version of AllenNLP.

pip install allennlp==0.8 --default-timeout=100

--default-timeout=100 is used to increase the timeout for downloading the pytorch module. The download may fail if the timeout is not increased.

Once completed, run:

pip install -r -c constraints.txt

This will install all the required packages for the project.

Next, install the following important patches to fix stray errors:

pip install greenlet==0.4.16 overrides==3.1.0 jsonnetbin gensim==3.6.0 nltk==3.6.3 pandas==1.1.5 portalocker==2.7.0 spacy==2.0.18 Unidecode==1.3.8

Now, download the pretrained SciCite model from the following link:


I named my tar.gz file scicite-pretrained.tar.gz and put it in under a folder called scicite. Please remember the path to this file.

For me, my path is:


To begin training, download the 22.1MB scicite data file, extract it and rename the parent folder to data.

├── dev.jsonl
├── test.jsonl
|── train.jsonl
└── scaffolds
    ├── sections-scaffold-train.jsonl
    └── cite-worthiness-scaffold-train

Please also remember to path to the data folder. I put this folder in the same directory as the scicite folder.

So, my path is:


You can now run the allennlp prediction. The command is slightly different from Linux.

On Windows, the equivalent prediction command as below is:

python -m predict "PATH\TO\scicite-pretrained.tar.gz" "PATH\TO\data\train.jsonl" --predictor predictor_scicite --include-package scicite --overrides "{'model':{'data_format':''}}"

You can see the prediction results in the command line.

The sentence "A series of genes (termed exo) involved in succino glycan biosynthesis have been cloned and sequenced (10, 11, 12, 67, 68, 103, 113)." is classified as background.

From this, we can see that predict is the final command used to test the classifier model.

To customize and train our own model, perhaps with different feature sets or hyperparameters, the script is used.

This requires a correct json config file to be set up, so we can use the example config file scicite-experiment.json in the experiment_configs folder.

However, it uses the std.extVar, which is a environment variable getter. This is not supported in Windows, so we need to replace the std.extVar with the actual number or string.

For example:

  "random_seed": std.extVar("SEED"),
  "pytorch_seed": std.extVar("PYTORCH_SEED"),
  "numpy_seed": std.extVar("NUMPY_SEED"),
  "mixing_ratio": std.extVar("mixing_ratio"),
  "mixing_ratio2": std.extVar("mixing_ratio2"),
  "dataset_reader": {
    "type": "scicite_datasetreader",
    "use_sparse_lexicon_features": false,
    "multilabel": false,
    "with_elmo": std.extVar("elmo")


  "random_seed": 30,
  "pytorch_seed": 30,
  "numpy_seed": 30,
  "mixing_ratio": 0.5,
  "mixing_ratio2": 0.5,
  "dataset_reader": {
    "type": "scicite_datasetreader",
    "use_sparse_lexicon_features": false,
    "multilabel": false,
    "with_elmo": true

Next, ensure your paths to your training data and scaffolds are set up correctly. They should point to your prior data folder that you downloaded and arranged.

"train_data_path_aux": "PATH\\TO\\data\\scaffolds\\sections-scaffold-train.jsonl",
"train_data_path_aux2": "PATH\\TO\\data\\scaffolds\\cite-worthiness-scaffold-train.jsonl",
"train_data_path": "PATH\\TO\\data\\train.jsonl",
"validation_data_path": "PATH\\TO\\data\\dev.jsonl",
"test_data_path": "PATH\\TO\\data\\test.jsonl",

Finally, if you do not have a GPU, you must set the cuda_device to -1 in the config file. Of course, if you do have a GPU, it would be preferable to use it.

"trainer": {
  "num_epochs": 10,
  "grad_clipping": 5.0,
  "patience": 4,
  "validation_metric": "+average_F1",
  "cuda_device": -1,
  "optimizer": {
    "type": "adadelta",
    "rho": 0.95

Finally, the command needs a folder to output the training logs and results into. Create a new folder in the root of the project called serialization.

Now, we can run the training command.

python scripts/ train_multitask_2 "PATH\TO\G20_SciCite\experiment_configs\scicite-experiment.json" -s "PATH\TO\G20_SciCite\serialization" --include-package scicite

This outputs the current F1 scores into the console and also outputs into the serialization folder.

If you stop the training halfway, you can actually recover the training from the last checkpoint by using the --recover flag.

python scripts/ train_multitask_2 "PATH\TO\G20_SciCite\experiment_configs\scicite-experiment.json" -s "PATH\TO\G20_SciCite\serialization" --include-package scicite --recover

However, if you want to train a new model, you must empty the entire serialization folder and start the training again.


(Retrieved from original Scicite Repo)


This repository contains datasets and code for classifying citation intents in academic papers.
For details on the model and data refer to our NAACL 2019 paper: "Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications".

We introduce SciCite a new large dataset of citation intents. Download from the following link:

scicite.tar.gz (22.1 MB)

The data is in the Jsonlines format (each line is a json object).
The main citation intent label for each Json object is spacified with the label key while the citation context is specified in with a context key. Example entry:

 'string': 'In chacma baboons, male-infant relationships can be linked to both
    formation of friendships and paternity success [30,31].'
 'sectionName': 'Introduction',
 'label': 'background',
 'citingPaperId': '7a6b2d4b405439',
 'citedPaperId': '9d1abadc55b5e0',

You may obtain the full information about the paper using the provided paper ids with the Semantic Scholar API.

We also run experiments on a pre-existing dataset of citation intents in the computational linguistics domain (ACL-ARC) introduced by Jurgens et al., (2018). The preprocessed dataset is available at ACL-ARC data.


The project needs Python 3.6 and is based on the AllenNLP library.

Setup an environment manually

Use pip to install dependencies in your desired python environment

pip install -r -c constraints.txt

Running a pre-trained model on your own data

Download one of the pre-trained models and run the following command:

allennlp predict [path-to-model.tar.gz] [path-to-data.jsonl] \
--predictor [predictor-type] \
--include-package scicite \
--overrides "{'model':{'data_format':''}}"


  • [path-to-data.jsonl] contains the data in the same format as the training data.
  • [path-to-model.tar.gz] is the path to the pretrained model
  • [predictor-type] is one of predictor_scicite (for the SciCite dataset format) or predictor_aclarc (for the ACL-ARC dataset format).
  • --output-file [out-path.jsonl] is an optional argument showing the path to the output. If you don't pass this, the output will be printed in the stdout.

If you are using your own data, you need to first convert your data to be according to the SciCite data format.

Pretrained models

We also release our pretrained models; download from the following path:

Training your own models

First you need a config file for your training configuration. Check the experiment_configs/ directory for example configurations. Important options (you can specify them with environment variables) are:

  "train_data_path":  # path to training data,
  "validation_data_path":  #path to development data,
  "test_data_path":  # path to test data,
  "train_data_path_aux": # path to the data for section title scaffold,
  "train_data_path_aux2": # path to the data for citation worthiness scaffold,
  "mixing_ratio": # parameter \lambda_2 in the paper (sensitivity of loss to the first scaffold)
  "mixing_ratio2": # parameter \lambda_3 in the paper (sensitivity of loss to the second scaffold)

After downloading the data, edit the configuration file with the correct paths. You also need to pass in an environment variable specifying whether to use ELMo contextualized embeddings.

export elmo=true

Note that with elmo training speed will be significantly slower.

After making sure you have the correct configuration file, start training the model.

python scripts/ train_multitask_2 [path-to-config-file.json] \
-s [path-to-serialization-dir/] 
--include-package scicite

Where the model output and logs will be stored in [path-to-serialization-dir/]


If you found our dataset, or code useful, please cite Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications.

  author={Arman Cohan and Waleed Ammar and Madeleine Van Zuylen and Field Cady},
  title={Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications},



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