Real Nerds Fake Fighting with GIFs
Our full Terms of Service can be found here.
Nerdfight Online is a production of Tamarou LLC and is maintained by them and a cohort of paid and volunteer moderators and advisors.
- Everyone will be reasonable.
- Everyone expects everyone else to be reasonable.
- No one is special.
- Do not be offended if someone suggests you are not being reasonable.
- Reasonable people think about their use of these facilities, and the needs of others, and adjust their behavior to meet the goals of a common good.
The full Standards of Conduct is available here.
If you are looking to reach the mods for any reason, e.g. service latency or outages, emoji requests, requests to add domains to our blocklist, etc. we are reachable on our GitHub Issue Tracker.
A few things to note:
- We probably won't respond to direct messages, there's a lot going on and it's easy to miss things. That's why we have a issue tracker.
- Some issues take longer than others to resolve.
Portions of this repo were based on or copied from the several sources, this is a partial list.
Hachyderm and Dreamwidth especially have been helpful in understanding what it takes to set up and run a well featured webservice. If you have the resources please think about sponsoring their work.