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Jenkins infrastructure project for continuous integration of cookbooks

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This project contains the Chef setup for a Jenkins-based CI/CD server for Chef cookbooks from


  • Jenkins Setup
    • Install Jenkins LTS
    • Install Plugins
  • Job Configuration
    • Seed job to generate the following (based on JobDSL)
    • Main chef-repo job to validate and upload data bags, environments and roles
    • Multiple cookbook pipelines for cookbook testing and upload
  • Feature Highlights
    • Fully automated job setup using JobDSL and Pipeline
    • Integration with Gerrit (for private main chef-repo) and Github (for cookbooks)
    • Parallelized execution of test-kitchen tests on different nodes



  • debian


  • t3-base (~> 0.2.0)
  • t3-chef-vault (~> 1.0.0)
  • jenkins-chefci (~> 0.2.0)
  • java (= 1.50.0)
  • jenkins (= 5.0.2)
  • ssh_known_hosts (= 2.0.0)
  • chef-dk (= 3.1.0)
  • sudo
  • apt
  • git
  • #Logger:0x00007fb7bfb4a298 () (Recommended but not required)
  • #Logger:0x00007fb7bfb4a298 () (Suggested but not required)
  • Conflicts with #Logger:0x00007fb7bfb4a298 ()


  • node['site-chefcitypo3org']['url'] - Public URL of the Jenkins master. Defaults to
  • node['site-chefcitypo3org']['main_repo'] - URL of the main chef repo. Defaults to ssh://[email protected]:29418/Teams/Server/Chef.git.
  • node['jenkins_chefci']['knife_config']['chef_server_url'] - URL of the CHef Server. Defaults to
  • node['jenkins']['master']['repository'] - Install Jenkins LTS. Defaults to
  • node['jenkins_chefci']['github_organization'] - Use this Github organization to read cookbooks from. Defaults to TYPO3-cookbooks.
  • node['jenkins']['master']['jvm_options'] - Defaults to -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false -XX:MaxPermSize=256m.
  • node['java']['oracle']['accept_oracle_download_terms'] - Okay, Oracle, we hate you. Defaults to true.
  • node['jenkins_chefci']['jenkins_plugins'] - Defaults to %w(.
  • node['site-chefcitypo3org']['auth']['github_client_id'] - Github OAuth client ID. Defaults to nil.
  • node['site-chefcitypo3org']['auth']['github_client_secret'] - Github OAuth client secret. Defaults to nil.
  • node['jenkins_chefci']['chefdk_version'] - Configures the ChefDK version to be installed - see Defaults to 1.0.3-1.
  • node['jenkins_chefci']['kitchen']['chef_version'] - Configures the version of Chef to use for test-kitchen runs. Defaults to 12.21.3.



Wires together all the pieces

Application Data

Application data resides in /var/lib/jenkins.

Section Manual Steps describes setup of keys.

To migrate job history, copy over /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ to the new server.

Build Status

Build status on our CI server:

  • master (release): Build Status master branch
  • develop (next release): Build Status develop branch

knife vault create passwords-production githubcom-oauth -S "recipe:site-chefcitypo3org" -J test/integration/databag-secrets/data_bags/REAL_DO_NOT_COMMIT_passwords-_default/githubcom-oauth.json knife vault create passwords-production githubcom-chefcitypo3org -S "recipe:site-chefcitypo3org" -J test/integration/databag-secrets/data_bags/REAL_DO_NOT_COMMIT_passwords-_default/githubcom-chefcitypo3org.json

Manual Steps

After chef provisioning, some manual steps have to be excecuted, in order to finalize the setup of the Chef CI.

Slack Setup

  • build fails first with NullPointerException --> save config once to have a working Jenkins (for testing)
  • Configure the API token for both (?) config sections:
    • Slack Webhook Settings:
      • Outgoing Webhook Token: fill in
      • Outgoing Webhook URL Endpoint: slackwebhook
    • Global Slack Notifier Settings:
      • Team Subdomain: typo3
      • Integration Token: fill in

Gerrit Credentials and Trigger

  • In order to let Jenkins connect to the main chef-repo located in Gerrit, SSH credentials have to be added. Replace the contents of /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa with the RSA private key.

  • In order to trigger Jenkins, once a change is pushed, set up the Gerrit Trigger:

    • Go to Manage Jenkins and Gerrit Trigger.
    • Add as a new server.
      • Name:
      • Hostname:
      • Frontend URL:
      • Username: chef-jenkins
      • E-mail: [email protected]
      • SSH Keyfile: /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa
    • After saving, click the red Status icon to establish the connection

Chef User Credentials

In order to let Jenkins communicate with the Chef server API, a valid admin key has to be set up.

Replace the contents of /var/lib/jenkins/.chef/client.pem with the private key (and validate the setup using knife status as jenkins user).

Note: When testing this cookbook within test-kitchen, the .kitchen.yml automatically tries to copy the user's private key into the VM.

Testing (isolated from TYPO3)

This cookbook is tailored to the needs at TYPO3.

In order to let give it a try without credentials to our Chef server, you have to adjust the following pices:

  • Berksfile: remove line source ''
  • metadata.rb: remove line depends 't3-base', '~> 0.2.0'
  • recipes/default.rb: remove line include_recipe "t3-base"


[/] Use github-organization-folder plugin to scan for Jenkinsfiles in all repos. [/] Use slaves to keep the master clean. [/] Better highlight the error case (instead of requiring to scan through 2MB logs)

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: TYPO3 Server Admin Team ()



License:: Apache 2.0