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Android Library to Authenticate with LinkedIn

What is LinkedInManager

LinkedInManager is an android library which can be used to implement LinkedIn Sign in for any android application.

onGetCodeSuccess(String code) - will return the authorization code to obtain the access token

onGetCodeFailed() - Failed situation when trying to get the authorization code which is used to obtain the access token

onGetAccessTokenSuccess(LinkedInAccessToken linkedInAccessToken) - will return the LinkedIn Access token for services which is mentioned in the scope
onGetAccessTokenFailed() - Failed situation when trying to get the access token

onGetProfileDataSuccess(LinkedInUserProfile linkedInUserProfile) - will return the user's profile data including first name, last name, profile ID and user image
onGetProfileDataFailed - Failed situation when trying to get the profile data

onGetEmailAddressSuccess(LinkedInEmailAddress linkedInEmailAddress) - will return the user's email address

onGetEmailAddressFailed() - Failed situation when trying to get the profile data

V1.01.00 Added Features

  • logout function
  • check if the user is logged in or not option
  • check the user logged mode


Step : 1 - Add the JitPack repository to your project root build.gradle file

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step : 2- Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.Sumudu-Sahan:LinkedInManager:1.01.00'

Step : 3 - Inherit your activity from linkedInManagerResponse

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements LinkedInManagerResponse{}

Step : 4 - Create a LinkedInRequestManager instance and initialize it.

LinkedInRequestManager linkedInRequestManager = new LinkedInRequestManager(Activity, LinkedInManagerResponse, "CLIENT ID", "CLIENT SECRET", "REDIRECTION URL", allowCancelDialogPrompt);

CLIENT ID, CLIENT SECRET and REDIRECTION URL is available at LinkedIn Developer Console. variable allowCancelDialogPrompt is a boolean

Step : 5 - invoke the showAuthenticateView() with a mode to start the sign in process


Available modes

LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ONLY - will return only the email address
LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_LITE_PROFILE_ONLY - will return only the profile data
LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_BOTH_OPTIONS - will return both email address and profile data

To get the user's First name, last name and profile ID, use the following overrided method in your activity which is inherited from LinkedInManagerResponse

    public void onGetProfileDataSuccess(LinkedInUserProfile linkedInUserProfile) {
            linkedInUserProfile.getImageURL(); // user's Image URL
            linkedInUserProfile.getUserName().getFirstName().getLocalized().getEn_US(); // User's first name
            linkedInUserProfile.getUserName().getLastName().getLocalized().getEn_US(); // User's last name
            linkedInUserProfile.getUserName().getId(); // User's profile ID

To get the user's email address, use the following overrided method in your activity which is inherited from LinkedInManagerResponse

    public void onGetEmailAddressSuccess(LinkedInEmailAddress linkedInEmailAddress) {
        linkedInEmailAddress.getEmailAddress()); // User's email address


If you need to get the User's Access token, use the following overrided method in your activity which is inherited from LinkedInManagerResponse

public void onGetAccessTokenSuccess(LinkedInAccessToken linkedInAccessToken) {
        linkedInAccessToken.getAccess_token(); //User's access token

If you need to get the User's authorization code, user the following overrided method in your activity which is inherited from LinkedInManagerResponse

    public void onGetCodeSuccess(String code) {


If you need to check whether the user is already logged in or not, use the following code segment inside your activity.

linkedInRequestManager.isLoggedIn(new LinkedInUserLoginValidationResponse() {
            public void activeLogin() {
                //Session token is active. can use to get data from linkedin

            public void tokenExpired() {
                //token has been expired. need to obtain a new code

            public void notLogged() {
                //user is not logged into the application

If you need to check whether the user is already logged in and logged mode, user the following code segment inside your activity.

linkedInRequestManager.getLoggedRequestedMode(new LinkedInUserLoginDetailsResponse() {
            public void loggedMode(int mode) {
                //user is already logged in. active token. mode is available
                switch (mode) {
                    case LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_LITE_PROFILE_ONLY:

                    case LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ONLY:

                    case LinkedInRequestManager.MODE_BOTH_OPTIONS:

            public void tokenExpired() {
                //token has been expired. need to obtain a new code

            public void notLogged() {
                //user is not logged into the application

To close authentication dialog manually, use below code line.


To logout the user manually, use below code line.


That's it. Happy Coding 😃 😃 😃


Android Library to Authenticate with LinkedIn






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