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This is a TypeScript library that wraps the basic functionality of CGAL's straight skeleton implementation using Wasm (WebAssembly). You can use this library to generate unweighted straight skeletons of polygons with or without holes.

If you are interested in a less robust but more fast straight skeleton implementation that's written in pure TypeScript, check out v1 of this library.


Live playground


npm i straight-skeleton


This library supports both arrays of points (SkeletonBuilder.buildFromPolygon) and GeoJSON polygons (SkeletonBuilder.buildFromGeoJSON).

Input requirements

  • Input polygon must have at least one ring.
  • The first ring is always the outer ring, and the rest are inner rings.
  • Outer rings must be counter-clockwise oriented and inner rings must be clockwise oriented.
  • All rings must be weakly simple.
  • Each ring must have a duplicate of the first vertex at the end.


import {SkeletonBuilder} from 'straight-skeleton';

// Contains two rings: outer and inner.
const polygon = [
		[-1, -1],
		[0, -12],
		[1, -1],
		[12, 0],
		[1, 1],
		[0, 12],
		[-1, 1],
		[-12, 0],
		[-1, -1]
	], [
		[-1, 0],
		[0, 1],
		[1, 0],
		[0, -1],
		[-1, 0]

// Initialize the Wasm module by calling init() once.
SkeletonBuilder.init().then(() => {
	const result = SkeletonBuilder.buildFromPolygon(polygon);
	// Check if the skeleton was successfully constructed
	if (result !== null) {
		for (const vertex of result.vertices) {
			// Do something with vertices

		for (const polygon of result.polygons) {
			// Do something with polygons


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm i to install dependencies.
  3. Optionally, rebuild the Wasm module:
    1. Install Emscripten and make sure that it's in your PATH.
    2. cd src/core, then sh ./ to download and unpack all dependencies.
    3. mkdir build && cd build to create a build directory.
    4. emcmake cmake .. to generate the build files.
    5. emmake make to build the Wasm module. Rerun this whenever your .cpp files change.
  4. Run npm run build to build the library or npm run dev to start a development server that watches for changes.
