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StephenCleary edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 1 revision


PropertyProgress is an [[IProgress|]] implementation that receives progress reports as a property update.

The most recent progress value can be retrieved by reading the Progress property, and you can monitor this property for changes using INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged. The ProgressProperty instance should be created on the UI thread.


// A progress implementation that stores progress updates in a property.
// If this instance is created on a UI thread, its Progress property is suitable for data binding.
public sealed class PropertyProgress<T> : IProgress<T>, INotifyPropertyChanged
  // Initializes a new instance of the PropertyProgress<T> class.
  public PropertyProgress(T initialProgress = default(T));

  // The last reported progress value.
  public T Progress { get; }

  // Occurs when the property value changes.
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Platform Support

The full API is supported on all platforms.