The Genesis2 Chip Generator (CG) is a design system and meta-programming language for automatically producing custom hardware.
Genesis2 is free software as governed by a BSD-style license, see LICENSE.txt for specific terms and conditions.
To install in e.g. /home/mydir/Genesis2:
set destdir = /home/mydir/Genesis2 git clone $destdir setenv GENESIS_HOME $destdir/Genesis2Tools set path=(. $GENESIS_HOME/bin $GENESIS_HOME/gui/bin $path) setenv PERL5LIB $GENESIS_HOME/PerlLibs/ExtrasForOldPerlDistributions
If you get an error like this:
# Compress::Raw::Zlib object version 2.060 does not match bootstrap parameter...
You might need to do this:
/bin/rm -rf $destdir/Genesis2Tools/PerlLibs/ExtrasForOldPerlDistributions/Compress
Also see Genesis2 installation instructions here: