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Prognostic variables extended
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milankl committed Oct 4, 2023
1 parent 1fc152a commit fbb7246
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 93 deletions.
218 changes: 125 additions & 93 deletions src/dynamics/prognostic_variables.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
const DEFAULT_DATE = DateTime(2000,1,1)

Clock struct keeps track of the model time, how many days to integrate for
and how many time steps this takes
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Clock
"current model time"
time::DateTime = DateTime(2000,1,1)
time::DateTime = DEFAULT_DATE

"number of days to integrate for, set in run!(::Simulation)"
n_days::Float64 = 0
Expand All @@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ Base.@kwdef mutable struct Clock
n_timesteps::Int = 0

# pretty printing
keys = propertynames(C)
Expand All @@ -27,140 +30,169 @@ function initialize!(clock::Clock,time_stepping::TimeStepper)
return clock

Create and initialize a clock from `time_stepping`"""
function Clock(time_stepping::TimeStepper;kwargs...)
clock = Clock(;kwargs...)

import Base: copy!

# how many time steps have to be stored for the time integration? Leapfrog = 2
const N_STEPS = 2
const LTM = LowerTriangularMatrix # just because it's shorter here

struct PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF<:AbstractFloat}
# all matrices are of size lmax x mmax
vor ::LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}} # Vorticity of horizontal wind field [1/s]
div ::LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}} # Divergence of horizontal wind field [1/s]
temp ::LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}} # Absolute temperature [K]
humid::LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}} # Specific humidity [g/kg]
"""A layer of the prognostic variables in spectral space.
Base.@kwdef struct PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF<:AbstractFloat}

"Spectral resolution as max degree of spherical harmonics"

"Vorticity of horizontal wind field [1/s]"
vor ::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

struct PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF<:AbstractFloat}
pres::LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}} # log of surface pressure [log(Pa)]
"Divergence of horizontal wind field [1/s]"
div ::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

"Absolute temperature [K]"
temp ::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

"Specific humidity [kg/kg]"
humid::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

# generator function based on spectral grid
PrognosticVariablesLayer(SG::SpectralGrid) = PrognosticVariablesLayer{SG.NF}(trunc=SG.trunc)

"""Collect the n time steps of PrognosticVariablesLayer
of an n-step time integration (leapfrog=2) into a single struct.
struct PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF<:AbstractFloat}
timesteps::Vector{PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF}} # N_STEPS-element vector for time steps

struct PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF<:AbstractFloat}
timesteps::Vector{PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF}} # N_STEPS-element vector for time steps
# generator function based on spectral grid
function PrognosticLayerTimesteps(SG::SpectralGrid)
return PrognosticLayerTimesteps([PrognosticVariablesLayer(SG) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])

struct PrognosticVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat,M<:ModelSetup}
# data
layers::Vector{PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF}} # vector of vertical layers
"""The spectral and gridded prognostic variables at the surface.
Base.@kwdef struct PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF<:AbstractFloat}

# dimensions
trunc::Int # max degree of spherical harmonics
n_steps::Int # N_STEPS time steps that are stored
nlev::Int # number of vertical levels

# scaling
"Spectral resolution as max degree of spherical harmonics"

# # scaling TODO think about including more flexible scaling factors here
# scaling_vor::Base.RefValue{NF}
# scaling_div::Base.RefValue{NF}
# scaling_temp::Base.RefValue{NF}
# scaling_humid::Base.RefValue{NF}
# scaling_pres::Base.RefValue{NF}
"log of surface pressure [log(Pa)]"
pres::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

"Interface displacement in the ShallowWaterModel [m]"
eta::LTM{Complex{NF}} = zeros(LTM{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)

# general version
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF}},trunc::Integer) where NF
# use one more l for size compatibility with vector quantities
# size trunc+2 x trunc+1 corresponds to lmax+1 x mmax
vor = zeros(LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)
div = zeros(LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)
temp = zeros(LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)
humid = zeros(LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)
return PrognosticVariablesLayer(vor,div,temp,humid)
# generator function based on a SpectralGrid
PrognosticVariablesSurface(SG::SpectralGrid) = PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF}(trunc=SG.trunc)

# reduce size of unneeded variables if ModelSetup is provided
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF}},Model::Type{<:ModelSetup},trunc::Integer) where NF
# use one more l for size compatibility with vector quantities
LTM = LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}}
vor = has(Model, :vor) ? zeros(LTM,trunc+2,trunc+1) : LTM(undef, 0, 0)
div = has(Model, :div) ? zeros(LTM,trunc+2,trunc+1) : LTM(undef, 0, 0)
temp = has(Model, :temp) ? zeros(LTM,trunc+2,trunc+1) : LTM(undef, 0, 0)
humid = has(Model, :humid) ? zeros(LTM,trunc+2,trunc+1) : LTM(undef, 0, 0)
Base.@kwdef mutable struct PrognosticVariablesOcean{NF<:AbstractFloat,Grid<:AbstractGrid{NF}}

return PrognosticVariablesLayer(vor,div,temp,humid)
"Resolution parameter of grid"
const nlat_half::Int

function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF}},trunc::Integer) where NF
# use one more l for size compatibility with vector quantities
pres = zeros(LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}},trunc+2,trunc+1)
return PrognosticVariablesSurface(pres)
"Current time of the ocean variables"
time::DateTime = DEFAULT_DATE

"Sea surface temperature [K]"
const sea_surface_temperature::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

"Sea ice concentration [1]"
const sea_ice_concentration::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF}},Model::Type{<:ModelSetup},trunc::Integer) where NF
# use one more l for size compatibility with vector quantities
LTM = LowerTriangularMatrix{Complex{NF}}
pres = has(Model, :pres) ? zeros(LTM,trunc+2,trunc+1) : LTM(undef, 0, 0)
return PrognosticVariablesSurface(pres)
# generator function based on a SpectralGrid
function PrognosticVariablesOcean(SG::SpectralGrid)
(;nlat_half,Grid,NF) = SG
return PrognosticVariablesOcean{NF,Grid{NF}}(;nlat_half)

# create time steps as N_STEPS-element vector of PrognosticVariablesLayer
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF}},trunc::Integer) where NF
return PrognosticLayerTimesteps([zeros(PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF},trunc) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])
Base.@kwdef mutable struct PrognosticLand{NF<:AbstractFloat,Grid<:AbstractGrid{NF}}

"Resolution parameter of grid"
const nlat_half::Int

"Current time of the land variables"
time::DateTime = DEFAULT_DATE

"Land surface temperature [K]"
const land_surface_temperature::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

"Snow depth [m]"
const snow_depth::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

"Soil wetness layer 1, volume fraction [1]"
const soil_wetness_layer1::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

"Soil wetness layer 2, volume fraction [1]"
const soil_wetness_layer2::Grid = zeros(Grid{NF},nlat_half)

function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF}},trunc::Integer) where NF
return PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps([zeros(PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF},trunc) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])
# generator function based on a SpectralGrid
function PrognosticVariablesLand(SG::SpectralGrid)
(;nlat_half,Grid,NF) = SG
return PrognosticVariablesLand{NF,Grid{NF}}(;nlat_half)

# also pass on model if available
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF}},Model::Type{<:ModelSetup},trunc::Integer) where NF
return PrognosticLayerTimesteps([zeros(PrognosticVariablesLayer{NF},Model,trunc) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])
"""Collect the n time steps of PrognosticVariablesSurface
of an n-step time integration (leapfrog=2) into a single struct.
struct PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF<:AbstractFloat}
timesteps::Vector{PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF}} # N_STEPS-element vector for time steps

function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF}},Model::Type{<:ModelSetup},trunc::Integer) where NF
return PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps([zeros(PrognosticVariablesSurface{NF},Model,trunc) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])
# generator function based on spectral grid
function PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps(SG::SpectralGrid)
return PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps([PrognosticVariablesLayer(SG) for _ in 1:N_STEPS])

# general function to initiate all prognostic variables with zeros
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariables{NF}},trunc::Integer,nlev::Integer) where NF
layers = [zeros(PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF},trunc) for _ in 1:nlev] # vector of nlev layers
surface = zeros(PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF},trunc)

# initialize with scale=1, wrapped in RefValue for mutability
scale = Ref(one(NF))
return PrognosticVariables{NF,ModelSetup}(layers,surface,trunc,N_STEPS,nlev,scale)
struct PrognosticVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat,Grid<:AbstractGrid{NF},M<:ModelSetup}

# dimensions
trunc::Int # max degree of spherical harmonics
nlat_half::Int # resolution parameter of grids
nlev::Int # number of vertical levels
n_steps::Int # N_STEPS time steps that are stored

layers::Vector{PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF}} # vector of vertical layers

# scaling


# pass on model to reduce size
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariables{NF}},Model::Type{<:ModelSetup},trunc::Integer,nlev::Integer) where NF

layers = [zeros(PrognosticLayerTimesteps{NF},Model,trunc) for _ in 1:nlev] # vector of nlev layers
PST = PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps{NF}
surface = has(Model, :pres) ? zeros(PST,trunc) : zeros(PST,-1)

# initialize with scale=1, wrapped in RefValue for mutability
scale = Ref(one(NF))
function Base.zeros(::Type{PrognosticVariables},SG::SpectralGrid,Model::Type{<:ModelSetup})

# clock
clock::Clock = Clock()
return PrognosticVariables{NF,Model}(layers,surface,trunc,N_STEPS,nlev,scale,clock)
(;trunc,nlat_half,nlev,Grid,NF) = SG

# data structs
layers = [PrognosticLayerTimesteps(SG) for _ in 1:nlev] # vector of nlev layers
surface = PrognosticSurfaceTimesteps(SG)
ocean = PrognosticVariablesOcean(SG)
land = PrognosticVariablesLand(SG)

scale = Ref(one(NF)) # initialize with scale=1, wrapped in RefValue for mutability
clock = Clock()

return PrognosticVariables{NF,Grid{NF},Model}( trunc,nlat_half,nlev,N_STEPS,

has(progn::PrognosticVariables{NF,M}, var_name::Symbol) where {NF,M} = has(M, var_name)
has(::PrognosticVariables{NF,Grid,M}, var_name::Symbol) where {NF,Grid,M} = has(M, var_name)

copy!(progn_new::PrognosticVariables, progn_old::PrognosticVariables)
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