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Pull requests that update a dependency file
👀 needs review
:eyes: needs review
feature request
feature request
:shipit: approved
:shipit: approved
team - AC
team - AC
Accounts team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - EA
team - EA
Email Analyst team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - FE
team - FE
Frontend Engineering team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - SAA
team - SAA
Signals Acadia team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - SAZ
team - SAZ
Signals Zion team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - SD
team - SD
SMTP Delivery team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - TR
team - TR
Transmissions team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - UX
team - UX
User Experience team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
team - WE
team - WE
Website team is the subject matter expert and need to approve this PR
type: breaking change
type: breaking change
type: bug
type: bug
type: content change
type: content change
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
type: feature
type: feature
type: security
type: security