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Solid Identity Manager

This Chrome extension acts as a remote control to manage your Solid identities and make it easy for users to switch between their WebIDs or IDPs. The way this works is by giving users the option to add profiles to the extension which it will store to persist over the course of its use.

alt text alt text

The profile has a name and a color to distinguish it from other profiles. The extension lists all profiles when clicking on the extension's icon.

alt text

The extension provides an API to a Solid app through the use of chrome.runtime.connect. You find an example in showcase-app/plugin. The idea is for the Solid app to manage the authentication itself, and the extension only provides a way of keeping track of Solid identities.

You find a screencast here.


We developed this extension using Node v18.

npm i
npm start

This will start up the build-process with hot-reload.

To add the extension to the browser, navigate to chrome://extensions/ and click Load unpacked. Navigate and add the dist/ folder of this project.

Hot-reloading replenishes the files every time you save something in src. In some cases, mainly when errors occur, you must reload the module in the chrome://extensions/. It should not be removed. You may pin the extension for convenience.

Use the showcase-app if you want to try out an example Solid app to test this extension end-to-end.

cd `./showcase-app`
npm install
npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:5173/. When the extension is present and has identities, the option will be shown to continue as the active set profile.


You create a build via

npm run build

This script generates a zip file called <name>-<version>.zip inside ./releases. You can change the name of the extension name in ./src/manifest.json. The version is sourced from ./package.json. To bump a version, run npm version <patch|minor|major>, which will increase it in ./package.json, then run npm run build to sync that version to the release build.

Publish to Chrome Web Store

You publish the extension to the Chrome Web Store via the following steps:

  1. Build the extension to generate a release zip file inside ./releases via

    npm run build
  2. Upload the zip file to your Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard (see official Google guide for details).

Testing the flow

In order to full test how this extension works end-to-end, you must take the following steps:

  • Follow the steps in quickstart to run the extension and the showcase app
  • Open the extension and add a new profile if you haven't already
  • A dialog appears in which you can give the new profile a display and color + add either an IDP or WebID
  • Once created, the dialog and extension will close. When you open the extension again the profile will be in there and selected as active.
  • In the Solid showcase app running on http://localhost:5173/ you find the login widget that allows you to one-click sign-in with the active profile. If it is not present (it should), you can switch profile to trigger updates between the app and the extension.
  • After clicking the one-click sign-in button, you will be redirected to the IDP where you must sign in. You will be able to authorize the WebID with the Solid showcase app.
  • You may then use the logout button to prompt logging out. When you select another identity in the extension, you will be automatically logged out.

Obtaining WebIDs for testing

You can create temporary WebIDs using When creating a new profile you may add as the IDP, or the WebID you've obtained after registration. These are reset daily, so make sure you've recreated it for authorization to work.

    actor user as User
    participant extension as Solid Identity Manager
    participant app1 as Solid App
    participant browser as Browser
    participant idp as Identity Provider

    user ->> extension: Add new profile called "Profile A" (automatically becomes active profile)
    user ->> browser: Browse to app
    browser ->> app1: Open app
    app1 ->> browser: Subscribe to data/changes from Solid Identity Manager
    app1 ->> browser: Ask for active profile
    browser ->> extension: Ask for active profile
    extension -->> browser: Return Profile A
    browser -->> app1: Return Profile A
    app1 ->> app1: Show button to log in with Profile A
    user ->> app1: Click on button
    app1 ->> browser: Redirect user to IDP
    browser ->> idp: Load login and consent page
    user ->> browser: User logs in and gives consent
    browser ->> idp: Send log-in and consent data to IDP
    idp ->> browser: Redirect user to app
    user ->> app1: See "Logged in" message
    user ->> extension: Add new profile called "Profile B"
    user ->> extension: Set "Profile B" as active profile
    extension ->> browser: Notify subscribed apps about profile change
    browser ->> app1: Notify about profile change
    app1 ->> app1: Log out Profile A
    app1 ->> app1: Show button to log in with Profile B

End-to-end testing

To run end-to-end tests, you must first have built the extension (npm run build). Then you run the tests via npm test. If you want to run the tests interactively, you use npm run test:ui.


This code is copyrighted by Ghent University – imec and released under the MIT license.


Browser extension to manage multiple identities.






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