SpartyTime is a replacement of the Spotify's Jam system made using FastAPI to make listening with friends on Spotify easier! SpartyTime uses the Spotify OAuth to connect the users. Users can create parties and invite their friends to join the party.
- Party Queue and History is available.
- Genre matching to allow users to join others with matching music taste!
- Website doesn't need to stay open!
- Works on mobile too.
- Python 3.10+
- Spotify Premium
Clone the repository:
git clone
To install necessary dependencies, run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a MongoDB database and copy the connection string.
- Create a Spotify Developer Application with a callback url and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Create a secret key.
- Add them to the .env file and save.
To run the code use the command
uvicorn spartytime.backend.main:app --reload
To create the database schema, make a request to the root /
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.