I go to a school where speed-cubing is popular and a no-phones policy is enforced during lunch break. This device consists of a cutom-designed PCB with a 128x64 OLED display and an ATMega328P chip and generates a random scramble algorithm speedcubing solves can be fair, consistent and retain a level of officiality without the need for a phone app to generate the scrambles.
The PCB is made up of 3 core components:
- The user interface - A 128x64 SSD1306 display to display the scrambles and 3 pushbuttons to navigate the screen's interface
- The microcontroller - An ATmega328P chip to control everything
- The LiPo charge circuit - A Microchip MCP73831 chip to charge a small lithium battery that powers the rest of the board. It is charged via a micro USB port.
The PCB was designed in KiCad. You can find the KiCad files in pcb/kicad
. You can also find pre-made Gerber files in pcb/gerbers
for production.
The code is written using the Arduino framework and the Adafruit SSD1306 library. A platformio.ini
file is provided for use in PlatformIO and is the reccomended way ot compile and upload the code to this device.
- X1 ATmega328P
- X1 128x64 OLED display
- X1 MCP73831
- X2 10uF electrolytic capacitors
- X2 4.7uF electrolytic cpacitors
- X3 6mm pushbutton switches
- X1 Digikey Micro USB type B connector
- Download the necesarry files:
git clone https://github.com/Smartich0ke/Scrambler.git
- Open up the KiCad project in
. Open the PCB layout editor and export the necesarry gerbers and adjust the settings in the export window depending on your PCB manufacturer. - Send the files to your PCB manufacturer and get it made.
- Solder in the components into their corresponding places according to the BOM above.
- Open the root directory of the git repo in PlatformIO VScode extention
- In the PlatformIO Tasks menu, double-click "build" under upload_USBTINY
coming soon