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SlicerRt use cases

Csaba Pinter edited this page Sep 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Dose accumulation and its evaluation by DVH

Source: Michele Avanzo (Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano)

  • Load first phase (planning) CT, dose and structures
  • Load second phase CT and dose
  • B-Spline image registration of the first and second phase CT images
  • Resample second phase dose distribution using the result transformation (having first phase dose as reference)
  • Accumulate the first phase dose with the transformed second phase dose in a weighted manner (3.125 and 2.667, respectively)
  • Compute DVH for the target and OARs using the accumulated dose distribution

Proton dose calculation

Source: Greg Sharp (MGH)

  • Import CT and structure sets
  • Create and configure beams
  • Calculate proton dose
  • Export plan to treatment machine

Computation of accumulated dose

Source: Young-Bin Cho, Seungjong Oh (PMH)

  • Import CT images and dose maps from DICOM-RT
  • Compute the transform corresponding to target dislocation/deformation from image registration
  • Apply the transform to dose map
  • Sum the dose values in the registered data sets

Evaluation of gel dosimetry

Source: John Schreiner, Matthew Marsh, Kevin Alexander (KGH)

  • Loading a planning image and a planned dose distribution
  • Load an on-board imager cone beam CT
  • Register CBCT to planning CT
  • Load a 3D optical CT scan of the gel, or a 2D scan of the film (measured). Format is 3D vff or a 2D picture format (eg. tiff, could be grayscale or RGB)
  • Register measured image to CBCT using fiducial marks
  • Apply dose calibration curves (arbitrary scalar math operations) to measured image, yielding measured dose
  • Perform a gamma, chi, etc. test between measured dose and planned dose, yielding comparison volume
  • Extract statistics from comparison volume

MRI-US fusion for prostate brachytherapy

Source: Cynthia Menard (CHUM, Montreal)

  • Import MRI and US studies
  • Register the prostate structure with deformable registration
  • Apply transformation on whole MRI study
  • Export deformed study to DICOM-RT

Testing of treatment planning algorithms

Source: Dionne M. Aleman (UofT)

  • Import CT images, structure sets, and dose maps from DICOM-RT
  • Convert data into usable data structures
  • Perform treatment planning optimization
  • Plot DVHs
  • Plot colorwash+isodose lines for all image slices
  • Calculate conformity indices
  • Do all these in a batch mode on a large amount of data (without user interaction).

Evaluation of deformable registration on delivered dose

Source: Sunnybrook (Lee Chin)

  • Import CT image, dose map, and structure sets from DICOM-RT
  • Compute the transform corresponding to target dislocation/deformation from image registration
  • Apply the transform to structure sets (the outputs are also contour objects)
  • Compare the DVH of the dose for the original and the transformed structure sets
  • Perform Dice and Hausdorff contour comparison
  • Export the deformed contours to DICOM-RT

Additional supported use cases

  • External Beam Planning: Calculate dose using arbitrary dose computation engines implemented in a variety of languages including Matlab
  • Image-Guided Radiation Therapy: calculation and export of the daily couch shift/rotation
  • Collision detection: simulate treatment machine geometry and replay plan delivery
  • Film dosimetry
  • Orthovoltage RT of skin lesions
  • Batch processing: Conversion of DICOM-RT objects into non-DICOM files; Resampling, structure representation conversion, other processing
  • Calculation of target structure margins
  • Treatment plan approximation from database of plans