This reposiory holds the test data for wsrf.
There are 9 datasets: wap, la1s, la2s, re1, fbis, gisette, newsgroups, tis, and mnist. All are seperated into two parts, one for training (*.data), and the other for testing (*.test). *.names are associated variable (column) names for corresponding datasets.
Dataset | Observations (Training) | Observations (Testing) | Vars | Obs/Vars (Training) | Classes | Size (MB) |
wap | 1,104 | 456 | 8,460 | 0.13 | 20 | 18.0 |
la1s | 1,963 | 887 | 13,195 | 0.15 | 5 | 50.0 |
la2s | 1,855 | 845 | 12,432 | 0.15 | 5 | 45.0 |
re1 | 1,147 | 510 | 3,758 | 0.31 | 25 | 8.3 |
fbis | 1,711 | 752 | 2,000 | 0.86 | 17 | 6.6 |
gisette | 5,000 | 999 | 5,000 | 1.00 | 2 | 54.0 |
newsgroups | 11,268 | 7,504 | 5,000 | 2.25 | 20 | 108.0 |
tis | 5,200 | 6,875 | 927 | 5.61 | 2 | 9.3 |
mnist | 48,000 | 10,000 | 780 | 61.54 | 2 | 84.0 |
All the data are collected from the Internet:
fbis, la1s, la2s, re1, and wap can be found at Karypis Lab.
gisette can be found at UCI Machine Learning Repository.
newsgroups can be found at 20 Newsgroups by Jason Rennie.
tis can be found at Guo-Zheng Li's Home Page.
mnist can be found at Data for MATLAB hackers by Sam Roweis.