This is my personal knowledge base. The idea is to create a minimalist version of the of the Zettelkasten and bring it into the 21st century in digital form.
These Zettels (notes) have been created with my zet command line utility.
📝 Folders are created with
date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
to create a unique ID. Which is just a current time stamp in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- 20210525192909 Zettelkasten resources and ideas
- 20220205135643 Zettelkasten Notes and Hints
- 20220205151226 Zettelkasten: Markdown Guideline
- 20220224055145 Zettelkasten
commands: cheatsheet - 20220404224249 Zettelkasten Tags: 3 Rules to create a knowledge repository
#knowledgeManagement #zettelkasten #notes #knowledgeBase