Автор: Владислав Ретивых
SibirCTF 2015 O'Foody service
Required: nginx, postgresql, uwsgi, uwsgi-plugin-psgi
Install dependencies:
apt-get update
apt-get install -y nginx postgresql uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-psgi
Create user and directory:
useradd -M -d /home/ofoody ofoody
Place repository content to /home/ofoody and change owner:
chown -R ofoody:ofoody /home/ofoody
Copy configuration files:
cp -f /home/ofoody/conf/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
cp /home/ofoody/conf/ofoody.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ofoody.conf
Create log files:
mkdir /home/ofoody/logs
touch /home/ofoody/logs/ofoody.access.log
touch /home/ofoody/logs/ofoody.error.log
Run nginx:
service nginx restart
Run postgresql:
service postgresql restart
Create ofoody database:
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/createdb -U postgres -h ofoody
Create ofoody table:
psql -U postgres -h -d ofoody -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS USERS (id serial PRIMARY KEY, username text NOT NULL, review text, ccn text NOT NULL, address text NOT NULL, password text NOT NULL);"
Insert first record:
psql -U postgres -h -d ofoody -c "INSERT INTO USERS VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Cookie Monster', 'Om nom nom nom', '734b12fac1c2875367114a1d42730610', 'The Dark Side of the Moon', 'my_very_secure_password');"
Run uwsgi:
/usr/bin/uwsgi -y /home/ofoody/conf/ofoody.yaml
Start uwsgi:
/usr/bin/uwsgi -y /home/ofoody/conf/ofoody.yaml
Restart uwsgi:
touch /home/ofoody/uwsgi
Restart nginx:
service postgresql restart
Restart postgresql:
service postgresql restart
$1 = CMD
$2 = HOST
$3 = ID
$4 = FLAG
./checker.pl check
echo "TEST PUT"
./checker.pl put testuser 734b12fac1c2875367114a1d42730610
echo "TEST GET"
./checker.pl get testuser 734b12fac1c2875367114a1d42730610
110 - Need more arguments
104 - Host unreachable
103 - Bad answer
102 - Flag not found
101 - OK
Vladislav A. Retivykh
You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License