Implementation of the paper "Optimizing Performance of Recurrent Neural Networks on GPUs" in CUDA and OpenMP.
The naming of the CPP files has been done in accordance with this NVIDIA blog. For example, LSTM_opti_4.cpp
corresponds to Optimization 4: Pre-Transposing the Weight Matrix
With default parameters, the naive will take a long time to run. Use lower dimensions first to run it faster, for example you can use the following:
./naive-LSTM 5 1 64 8 1
This will give the following results:
Time for the run number NAIVE 0 : 49.17900000 ms
Average Runtime for LSTM NAIVE is 49.17900000 ms
Time for the run number NAIVE EFFICIENT 0 : 28.01100000 ms
Average Runtime for LSTM NAIVE EFFICIENT is 28.01100000 ms
Therefore, we can see the second version is more efficient.
Comprehensive results for every optimization can be seen in our report.