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A REST API exposed to interactions with stores, items, tags, and users.

This API allows clients to:

  • Create and retrieve information about stores.
  • Create, retrieve, search for, update, and delete items in those stores.
  • Create tags and link them to items, and search for items with specific tags.
  • Add user authentication to the client apps using the API.
  • Handle secure login, logout, authorization and authentication.

The API have the endpoints shown below:


Method Endpoint description
POST /register Create user accounts given an email and password.
POST /login Get a JWT given an email and password.
🔒POST /logout Revoke a JWT.
🔒POST /refresh Get a fresh JWT given a refresh JWT.
GET /user/{user_id} (dev-only) Get info about a user given their ID.
DELETE /user/{user_id} (dev-only) Delete a user given their ID.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /store Get a list of all stores.
POST /store Create a store.
GET /store/{id} Get a single store, given its unique id.
POST /store/{id} Delete a store, given its unique id.


Method Endpoint Description
🔒GET /item Get a list of all items in all stores.
🔒🔒POST /item Create a new item, given its name and price in the body of the request.
🔒GET /item/{id} Get information about a specific item, given its unique id.
PUT /item/{id} Update an item given its unique id. The item name or price can be given in the body of the request.
🔒DELETE /item/{id} Delete an item given its unique id.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /store/{id}/tag Get a list of tags in a store.
POST /store/{id}/tag Create a new tag.
POST /item/{id}/tag/{id} Link an item in a store with a tag from the same store.
DELETE /item/{id}/tag/{id} Unlink a tag from an item.
GET /tag/{id} Get information about a tag given its unique id.
DELETE /tag/{id} Delete a tag, which must have no associated items.
  • One 🔒 means the user will need to have authenticated within the last few days to make a request.
  • Two 🔒🔒 means the user will need to have authenticated within the last few minutes to make a request.
  • No locks means anybody can make a request.