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Dotfiles for ArchLinux x86_64 & Ubuntu 24.04 x86_64, managed by dotbot.

An out-of-the-box configuration with multiple features, easy to install and customize.


  1. It's not a light-weight configuration; and only support for zsh.
  2. If you are in China Mainland, recommend to use a proxy set PROXY_IP and PROXY_ENABLED.
  3. There is no uninstall script yet.. Before installation please try in docker or virtual machine first.
  4. Suggest to use latest release.

Supported OS

Fully supported and keep up-to-date:

Note: for Ubuntu, only recently Ubuntu LTS version is supported, as the required tools/packages are hard to maintain across different Ubuntu versions.

Partially supported:

  • Other Ubuntu x86_64 Versions
    • Even running on Ubuntu 16.04 (offline, no root permission) can be OK with almost full features enabled
    • Essential Packages:
      • executables: zsh, rust & cargo, mise, nvim, nodejs, tmux, rg(ripgrep), fd(fd-find)
      • python packages: pynvim
    • You can download x86_64 prebuilt executables in CLI Prebuilts.


  1. Setup a proxy (China Mainland only)

    If you are in China Mainland, please use a proxy to bypass GFW before installation. Otherwise some steps may fail.

    vim ~/.zshrc.private
    export PROXY_IP=""
    export PROXY_ENABLED=1

    For more customized environments, see zshrc.pre

  2. Add essential required packages

    • Arch Linux x86_64

      sudo pacman -Sy base-devel python git zsh vim net-tools wget xclip curl ripgrep
      chsh -s $(which zsh)
    • Ubuntu 24.04 x86_64

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install -y build-essential python git zsh vim net-tools wget xclip curl ripgrep
  3. Change shell to zsh

    chsh -s $(which zsh)

    Log out and re-login to make sure the shell is changed to zsh.

  4. (Optional) Enable LSP and other plugins.

    Append export NVIM_LITE_MODE=false to ~/.zshrc.private.

  5. Clone this repository and install

    git clone ~/.dotfiles --depth=1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules
    ~/.dotfiles/install && source ~/.zshrc
    # recommend to use mise to unify python versions across different machines
    mise use --global [email protected]
    # Essential: support for python plugins in Nvim
    python -m pip install pynvim

NVIM Plugins Installation

  1. Enter nvim, wait the plugins to be installed.
  • First install cycle: LunarVim plugins
  • Second install cycle: Additional plugins
  1. Execute :UpdateRemotePlugins.

Note: NVIM sometimes might be buggy, because some error just appears in the first-time installation. Scroll down to bottom to see some fixes & tips.

Core Features

  • AI support to speed up development inside NVIM
    • NVIM: copilot-cmp (type :Copilot auth for first time use)
    • NVIM: ChatGPT.nvim (requires $OPENAI_API_KEY)
  • dotbot
    • settings with multi-stages
    • automatically download some nerdfonts to ~/.fonts
  • zsh, based on oh-my-zsh
    • useful plugins such as:
      • fzf-tab
      • zsh-autosuggestions
      • zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • settings with multi-stages
      • ~/.zshrc.pre -> ~/.zshrc -> ~/.zshrc.private -> ~/
    • support customized settings (in ~/zshrc.private)
  • mise
    • mise is like asdf, but much more fast and user-friendly
    • use ~/.tool-versions to install essential packages
  • nvim (>=0.10)
    • re-use configuration from LunarVim without manual install it first
    • LSPs are auto installed using mason-lspconfig.nvim
    • add fuzzy prompt for cmdline (wilder.nvim) and modern message UI (noice.nvim)
    • customized key-bindings and seperated from original key-bindings
    • auto format on file save
    • toggle terminal with Ctrl-\, Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3
  • tmux (>=3.3a)
    • customized theme and bar
    • gitmux support
    • tmuxp support
  • unified theme Catppuccin Frappe (dark background) with transparency
    • support white(non-transparent) & dark(transparent) theme with lualine.nvim, nvim-tree.lua, toggleterm.nvim, etc
    • customized theme for tmux & gitmux
    • customized theme for shell prompt
    • third-party (bat, radare2) built-in dark theme


  • simplify proxy settings
    • preset: $PROXY_IP $PROXY_ENABLED
    • toggle: setproxy unsetproxy
  • add auto edit for fzf
    • use ALT-V to quick edit without typing v xxx (v is alias for nvim)
  • simplify $PATH settings
    • use _PATHAPPEND, _PATHPREPEND to modify PATHs
    • use _DIRCREATE to create a directory if not exists
  • auto code format on save using neoformat
    • C / C++ (based on ~/.clang-format)
    • Python
    • Java
    • Bash
    • Lua
    • ...


  1. Add configuration files
  2. Edit install.conf.yaml to create symlink
  3. Edit install.pre or to customize the behavior before or after installation
  4. For configurations override, see How to Create Override Configurations

Tips & Issue Fix


  • If you have issue with mise packages, please remove the issue package from .tool-versions and manually install it.
  • If you need to use a different version in a folder, use mise local <some-package>@<version-number>.
  • mise support all asdf-plugins.


  1. You always need to use :UpdateRemotePlugins in nvim after python environment changes.
  2. pynvim must be installed in current python.

nvim plugins

Sometimes you need to update plugins to fix plugin issues by executing LvimSyncCorePlugins in nvim.

nvim treesitter

Sometimes you need to update treesitter to fix it's issues by executing :TSUpdate in nvim.

This can solve issue as below:

treesitter/highlighter: Error executing lua:
.../share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/query.lua:161: query: invalid node type at position XXX


Sometimes you have python binaries in ~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin, but cannot execute, e.g. black isort. And nvim prints related error or warning.

This is often due to python version/environment changes. To resolve it, run command below:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/mason

Then open nvim to do a fresh install.