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LogManager Appenders

Patrick Ruhsert edited this page May 2, 2016 · 2 revisions


This module provides a set of extra appenders for the svyLogManager scope. Currently, these appenders are available:

Adding appenders to the svyLogManager configuration

Each appender needs to be added to the svyLogManager config as a plugin and appender. The default config for svyLogManager looks like this

	status: "error", 
	appenders: [
			type: "ApplicationOutputAppender", 
			name: "ApplicationOutput",
			PatternLayout: { 
				pattern: "%5level %logger{1.} - %msg" 
	loggers: {
		root: { 
			level: "error", 
			AppenderRef: { 
				ref: "ApplicationOutput" 

In this example, only the default ApplicationOutputAppender is used to output log events. To add another appender, a plugin needs to be registered and a config for the appender needs to be added as this example:

		status: "error",
		plugins: 'scopes.svyLogManager$rollingFileAppender.RollingFileAppender',
		appenders: [{
			type: "ApplicationOutputAppender",
			name: "ApplicationOutput",
			PatternLayout: {
				pattern: "%5level %logger{1.} - %msg"
		}, {
			type: "scopes.svyLogManager$rollingFileAppender.RollingFileAppender",
			name: "RollingFileAppender",
			fileName: "logs/application.log",
			maxFileSize: 10485760,
			maxBackupIndex: 5,
			PatternLayout: {
				pattern: "%date %5level %30logger - %msg"
		loggers: {
			root: {
				level: "info",
				AppenderRef: [{ref: "RollingFileAppender", level: "warn"}, {ref: "ApplicationOutput"}]

The plugins property takes a comma separated list of constructors for the appenders to be added and the appenders array can be used to add a configuration for the appender added. In the example above, a RollingFileAppender named RollingFileAppender has been added, which will log to a file application.log in directory logs until the maximum size of 10MB is reached. Then it will create a backup file and start with a new file. A maximum number of 5 backups are held. The appender is added through the AppenderRef array to the root logger and will log everything from level "warn" upwards to the log file. All loggers inheriting from root unless their additivity is set to false.

Each logger can be configured to use a given set of appenders individually as in this example:

"loggers": {
		"root": {
			"level": "warn",
			"AppenderRef": [{
				"ref": "ApplicationOutput"
		"logger": [{
			"name": "com.mycompany.test",
			"level": "debug",
			"additivity": true,
			"AppenderRef": [{
				"ref": "ApplicationOutput"
			}, {
				"ref": "DbAppender",
				"level": "warn"
			}, {
				"ref": "testFileAppender",
				"level": "info"

The logger com.mycompany.test will output to the ApplicationOutput appender with level "debug" and above, to the appender named testFileAppender with level "info" and to the DbAppender with level "warn".

Appenders can also be added at runtime to any logger created like this:

var logger = scopes.svyLogManager.getLogger('com.mycompany.testlogger');
var dbAppender = scopes.svyLogManager.getAppender('myDbAppender');
logger.addAppender(dbAppender, scopes.svyLogManager.Level.INFO);

Appender properties

Each appender has different properties that are described below.


The constructor for the RollingFileAppender that needs to be added to the list of plugins is


A typical configuration for the RollingFileAppender is

	type: "scopes.svyLogManager$rollingFileAppender.RollingFileAppender",
	name: "RollingFileAppender",
	fileName: "logs/application.log",
	maxFileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
	maxBackupIndex: 5,
	PatternLayout: {
		pattern: "%date %5level %30logger - %msg"

The appender's properties are

  • type: the class name of the appender (the name of the constructor function)
  • name: the name of this specific appender (more than one RollingFileAppender can be added)
  • layout: a subclass of AbstractLayout of svyLogManager, mostly PatternLayout is used
  • fileName: the name of the log file created in the application_server dir including optional directory path
  • maxFileSize: the maximum file size of the log file in bytes (defaults to 10MB)
  • maxBackupIndex: the maximum number of backup files (defaults to 5)


The constructor for the DbAppender that needs to be added to the list of plugins is


A typical configuration for the DbAppender is

	type: "scopes.svyLogManager$dbAppender.DbAppender",
	name: "DbAppender",
	datasource: "db:/my_db/log_events",
	userId: globals.myUserId,
	dbMapping: {
		eventTimeColumnName: "event_time",
		loggerColumnName: "logger_name",
		logLevelColumnName: "log_level",
		logMessageColumnName: "log_message",
		userIdColumName: "user_id",
		solutionColumnName: "solution_name"
	customColumns: [{
		columnName: 'my_custom_field',
		value: 'Hello'
	}, {
		columnName: 'my_custom_field_2',
		value: 'scopes.test.getMyValue'
	}, {
		columnName: 'my_custom_field_3'
	PatternLayout: {
		pattern: "%msg"

The appender's properties are

  • type: the class name of the appender (the name of the constructor function)
  • name: the name of this specific appender (more than one DbAppender can be added)
  • layout: a subclass of AbstractLayout of svyLogManager, mostly PatternLayout is used
  • datasource: the name of the datasource of the table to be logged to
  • dbMapping: object holding the mapping of log relevant columns
    • eventTimeColumnName: datetime column that holds the log event's time
    • logLevelColumnName: integer column that holds the log level constant (any of svyLogManager.LEVEL)
    • loggerColumnName: text column that holds the name of the logger
    • logMessageColumnName: text column that holds the log message
    • [logLevelNameColumnName]: text column that holds the log level name (e.g. "WARN")
    • [solutionColumnName]: text column that holds the solution name
    • [userIdColumnName]: text column that holds the userId
  • [customColumns]: array of custom columns that can either receive a fixed value, a method result or given as parameters to the log message
    • columnName: the name of the custom column
    • [value]: a fix value or the name of a method to be called when the log event is written to the DB
  • [userId]: a user ID that is written to the userIdColumnName column when set

When a PatternLayout is used, custom column values can be provided as parameters to the logger's log method as for example:

logger.debug('This is a {} {} message', 'Hello', 'World', {my_custom_field: 'Hello', my_custom_field_2: 'World'});

This will lead to message 'This is a Hello World message' and my_custom_field gets value 'Hello', my_custom_field_2 'World'.


The constructor for the EmailAppender that needs to be added to the list of plugins is


A typical configuration for the EmailAppender is

	type: "scopes.svyLogManager$emailAppender.EmailAppender",
	name: "EmailAppender",
	toAddress: "[email protected]",
	fromAddress: "[email protected]",
	subject: "Logging message from Servoy solution",
	customFields: [{
		name: "userName",
		value: security.getUserName()
	}, {
		name: "ipAddress",
		value: application.getIPAddress()
	PatternLayout: {
		pattern: "Date: %date\nSolution: %s\nClient type: %t\nLevel: %level\nLogger: %logger\nMessage: %msg\nUser: %f{1}\nIP Address: %f{2}"

The appender's properties are

  • type: the class name of the appender (the name of the constructor function)
  • name: the name of this specific appender (more than one EmailAppender can be added)
  • layout: a subclass of AbstractLayout of svyLogManager, mostly PatternLayout is used
  • toAddress: the address to send to
  • fromAddress: the from address
  • subject: the subject of the email sent

The EmailAppender uses the standard mail plugin of Servoy using the SMTP properties entered in servoy-admin/plugin-settings.


The constructor for the PopupAppender that needs to be added to the list of plugins is


A typical configuration for the PopupAppender is

	type: "scopes.svyLogManager$popupAppender.PopupAppender",
	name: "PopupAppender",
	style: 'test',
	maxMessages: 200,
	lazyInit: true,
	initiallyMinimized: false,
	newestMessageAtTop: false,
	PatternLayout: {
		pattern: "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %8level %20logger{5.} - %msg"

The appender's properties are

  • type: the class name of the appender (the name of the constructor function)
  • name: the name of this specific appender (more than one EmailAppender can be added)
  • layout: a subclass of AbstractLayout of svyLogManager, mostly PatternLayout is used
  • lazyInit: Set this to true to open the pop-up only when the first log message reaches the appender. Otherwise, the pop-up window opens as soon as the appender is created. If not specified, defaults to false.
  • initiallyMinimized: Whether the console window should start off hidden / minimized. If not specified, defaults to false.
  • width: The outer width in pixels of the pop-up window. If not specified, defaults to 600
  • height: The outer height in pixels of the pop-up window. If not specified, defaults to 400.
  • styleName: The name of the style of the form
  • styleClass: The name of the style class of the form
  • newestMessageAtTop: Whether to display new log messages at the top inside the pop-up window. Defaults to false.
  • maxMessages: The maximum number of messages held in the stack. Set this to 0 or -1 if you want unlimited messages. Defaults to 1000.

The PopupAppender scope offers 3 methods to allow a developer to show/hide the console window and to clear the stack of a popup:

  • scopes.svyLogManager$popupAppender.showPopup(appenderName): shows the given appender's console window
  • scopes.svyLogManager$popupAppender.hidePopup(appenderName): hides the given appender's console window
  • scopes.svyLogManager$popupAppender.clearStack(appenderName): clears all messages of the given appender