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Paolo edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 22 revisions

Since V1.1.0

Eager to get started ? Check out this video intro

Sidenav is a 4-levels depth navigation component. Is a side menu with selectable and collapsible nested menu items. The user can select or expand one menu item per time; a selected menu item is automatically expanded. The developer can control the sidenav component programmatically by editing the element's runtime properties and using the element's API. The sidenav can slide in/out to the left side or to the right side. The component is fully stylable with CSS3.

Sidenav Component

Table of contents

Getting Started

Use the api setRootMenuItems to populate the sidenav with Menu Items. You can nest Menu Items up to 4 levels depth.

var menu = [{
    id: 1,
    text: "Sample Item #1",
    styleClass : "sn-large",
    iconStyleClass:  "glyphicon glyphicon-search",
    data: { description: "This is sample information that can be added to a menuItem" },
    menuItems: [{
  	  id: 5,
  	  text: "Sub Item #1"
  	}, {
  	  id: 6,
  	  text: "Sub Item #2"}]
  }, {
    id: 2,
    text: "Sample Item #2"
    isDivider: true
    id: 3,
    text: "Sample Item #3",
    enabled: false


The method setRootMenuItems requires an Array of Menu Item object.

Menu Item

The menu item is a JSON object representing an item in the sidenav. A menu item may nest other menu items. A menu item may be also used as divider, which is nothing else then a line separating the menu item above and below, in this case all other properties of the menu item are ignored.

Property Type Required Description
String, Number id yes uniquely identifies the menuItem in the menu object.
String text no The menu text, optional, default is empty.
String styleClass no add style classes to the menuItem, optional,. Separate multiple value with a SPACE char. example 'nav-large nav-primary'.
String iconStyleClass no use style classes to display icons as Font Icons, optional. example 'glyphicon glyphicon-search'.
Boolean enabled no menuItem cannot be selected or expanded if disabled, optional. Default true.
Object data no data object can be used to add custom properties to the menuItem, optional. For example you may set the formName to be shown when the menuItem is selected { formName: "aFormName", description: "This menu item will open the given form" }.
Array menuItems no an array of nested menuItems, optional.
Boolean isDivider no if true render a divider into the menu instead of a menuItem, optional. All other properties are ignored. Default false.

This is a menu item with 2 sub menu items

var menuItem = {
    id: 1,
    text: "Sample Item #1",
    styleClass : "sn-large",
    iconStyleClass:  "glyphicon glyphicon-search",
    data: { description: "This is sample information that can be added to a menuItem" },
    menuItems: [{
  	  id: 5,
  	  text: "Sub Item #1"
  	}, {
  	  id: 6,
  	  text: "Sub Item #2"}]

This menu item is instead rendered as a divider

 var menuDivider = {
    isDivider: true

Update a Menu Item

To update a menu item you should get the menu item object using the component's API getMenuItem, any change to the returned object will be reflected on the sidenav component.


var menuItem = elements.sidenav.getMenuItem(1);
menuItem.text = "Update the text of the menuItem";
menuItem.styleClass = "nav-large nav-bold"; = { "lastUpdate" : new Date(); }

Updating an old reference of the menuItem which has not been retrieved via API it won't be possible.

Don't do this:

var menuItem = { id:1, text: "init text"};
menuItem.text = "Update text of menu item 1 like this is not reflected on UI"

Instead do

var menuItem = { id:1, text: "init text"};
// get the menuItem via API
menuItem = elements.sidenav.getMenuItem(1); 
menuItem.text = "Update text of menu item 1 like this is correct"

Styling Sidenav

There are several CSS class selectors you can use for fine-grained styling of the sidenav component.

element selector summary
.svy-extra-sidenav the root element, style is applied to the sidenav and to the tablesspanel
.svy-sidenav style the whole sidenav component
.svy-sidenav-tablesspanel style the tablesspanel container
.svy-sidenav-menu style the menu and all it's content
.svy-sidenav-dropdown style the dropdown list in each menu level
.svy-sidenav-item style the menu item in dropdown list
.svy-sidenav-collapse-icon stlye the collapse/expand icon
.svy-sidenav-divider style the divider
.svy-navitem-selected style the selected menu item
.svy-sidenav-collapsed style the menu item expanded
.svy-sidenav-disabled style the menu item disabled
.svy-slide-out stlye the nav menu when is closed

To style a specif element on a specific level combine the element element selector above with the level selector below

level selector summary
.sn-level-1 the elements in root level
.sn-level-2 the elements in the second level
.sn-level-3 the elements in the third level
.sn-level-4 the elements in the fourth level


/* Style all the menu items */
.svy-sidenav-item {
    font-size: 12px;
    color : #444;
    padding: 8px 15px;

/*Style the menu item in the first level only */ {
    font-size: 18px;
    color: #000;

/* Show a border the the selected item in the first level only */ {
    border-left: 3px solid;

Sidenav Properties

Property Type Default Description
Boolean animate true The menu animates when opened/closed and when items are expanded/collapsed.
Boolean enabled true The menu is disabled, menu items cannot be selected or expanded. If disabled the items cannot be selected/collapsed neither programmatically via API.
Form containedForm The contained form property behaves as a tablesspanel container. The form is shown at the side of the menu and uses the same animation when the menu is opened or closed.
String iconCollapseStyleClass fa fa-cart-down Font Icon used as icon for the menu item when is expanded.
String iconExpandStyleClass fa fa-caret-right Font Icon used as icon for the menu item when is collapsed.
String iconOpenStyleClass fa fa-bars Font Icon used as icon for the toggle button to close the side menu.
String iconCloseStyleClass fa fa-bars Font Icon used as icon for the toggle button to open the side menu.
Boolean open true If true the menu is open, when changed to false the menu slides away. Open cannot be set to false if the slidePosition is STATIC.
String scrollbarPosition LEFT defines the position of the srollbar for the sidenav. Possible values are LEFT and RIGHT.
Number sidenavWidth 300 the width, in pixel, of the sidenav menu; the containedForm will use the remaing width. The menu will use all the available width if sidenavWidth is set to 0. This option is ignored in a non-responsive form when the menu doesn't have a containedForm.
Number responsiveHeight 0 the height, in pixel, of the sidenav menu in a responsive form; The menu will use all the necessary height if the height is set to 0. This option is ignored in non-responsive forms.
String slidePosition LEFT defines to which side the menu slides out when closed. Possible values are LEFT, RIGHT and STATIC. A STATIC menu cannot slide away, is always open.
String slideAnimation SLIDE-MENU type SLIDE-MENU the menu slides away and is not visible when 'open' is false; for the type COLLAPSE-MENU the menu is collapsed and only the icons are visible when the 'open' is false.
String togglePosition FIXED-TOGGLE defines the position of the toggle button. possible values are FIXED-TOGGLE, SIDE-TOGGLE and HIDE-TOGGLE.
String styleClass menu style Classes.
Boolean visible true if the menu is visible or not.

Sidenav Events

Event Params Return Description
onMenuItemCollapsed menuItemId:String-Number, event:JSEvent Event executed when the user collapses a Menu Item.
onMenuItemExpanded menuItemId:String-Number, event:JSEvent Event executed when a Menu Item is expanded.
onMenuItemSelected menuItemId:String-Number, event:JSEvent Boolean Event executed when a Menu Item is selected. The selection will be prevented if the onMenuItemSelected returns false.
onOpenToggled event:JSEvent Event executed when the user clicks on the open button to open or close the menu.

Sidenav API

Method Params Return Description
addMenuItem menuItem:MenuItem, menuItemId:String-Number, index:Number Boolean Add a menu item. The menu is added as sub Menu Item if a menuItemId is provided, otherwise is added in root.
clearMenuItems [depth:Number] Remove all the menu items. If depth is specified removes all the menu items at depth.
getMenuItem menuItemId:String-Number MenuItem Returns the menu item object.
getParentMenuItem menuItemId:String-Number MenuItem Returns the parent of the menu item object with id menuItemId.
getRootMenuItems Array<MenuItem> Returns the root menu items.
getSelectedMenuItem [level:Number] MenuItem Returns the selected menu item.
getSubMenuItems menuItemId:String-Number menuItems:Array<MenuItem> Get the menuItems of the menu item with id 'menuItemId'.
isMenuItemEnabled menuItemId:String-Number Boolean Returns true if the menuItem and all it's ancestors are enabled.
isMenuItemExpanded menuItemId:String Number Boolean
setMenuItemEnabled menuItemId:String-Number, enabled:Boolean Boolean Enable or disable the menu item.
setMenuItemExpanded menuItemId:String-Number, expanded:Boolean, [mustExecuteOnMenuItemExpand:Boolean] Boolean Force the menuItem to be expanded or collapsed.
setRootMenuItems Array<MenuItem>
setSelectedMenuItem menuItemId:String, [mustExecuteOnMenuItemSelect:Boolean], [mustExecuteOnMenuItemExpand:Boolean], [level:Number] Boolean Select the menu item with the given id.
setSubMenuItems menuItemId:String-Number, menuItems:Array<MenuItem> Boolean Set the menuItems as sub menu items of the menu item with id menuItemId.
removeMenuItem menuItemId:String-Number Boolean Remove the menu item and all it's subMenuItems from the tree.
removeSubMenuItems menuItemId:String-Number Boolean Remove all the sub menu items of the menu item with id 'menuItemId'.



Type Name Description Required
MenuItem menuItem the menu item object to be added. Required
String-Number menuItemId add the item as subMenuItem of the menuItemId. Optional, Default add the menu item as root.
Number index 0-based. The index at which to insert the item. Optional. Index value should not be greater then number of sibelings. Optional, Default is at the end.

Returns Boolean

Add a menu item. The menu is added as sub Menu Item if a menuItemId is provided, otherwise is added in root. If index is provided the menu is added at the specified index position, otherwise is added as last element. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found.


 var menuItem = {
  id: 100,
  text: "Sample Item #1",
  styleClass : "nav-large nav-primary",
  iconStyleClass:  "glyphicon glyphicon-search",
  data: { description: "This is sample information that can be added to a menuItem" },
  menuItems: [{
  	id: 101,
  	text: "Sub Item #1"
  	}, {
  	id: 102,
  	text: "Sub Item #2"}]
  elements.sideNavigation.addMenuItem(menuItem, 1, 0);



Type Name Description Required
Number depth 1-based. The depth to be cleared of all it's menuItems Optional, Default 1

Returns void

Remove all the menu items. If depth is specified removes all the menu items at depth. If depth is equal to 1 all roots will be removed. Default depth is 1.


 // clear the whole menu removing all nodes. 
 // clear menu at depth 2 removes the sub menu items of each root menu.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the menu item id. Required

Returns MenuItem

Returns the menu item object.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the menu item id. Required

Returns MenuItem

Returns the parent menu item object of the menu item with id menuItemId. Nothing is returned if the menu item is in the root menu.


Params none

Returns Array<MenuItem>

Returns the root menu items.



Type Name Description Required
Number level if level is provided search for the selected menu item at level. Required

Returns MenuItem

Returns the selected menu item.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required

Returns Array<MenuItem>

Get the menuItems of the menu item with id 'menuItemId'.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required

Returns Boolean

Returns true if the menuItem and all it's ancestors are enabled. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found or is disabled.

NOTE: The method returns false if any ancestor of the menuItem is not enabled; if the property enabled of the menuItem is set to true, but has a parent with the enabled property set to false, then isMenuItemEnabled returns false.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required

Returns Boolean

Returns true if the menuItem is expanded.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required
Boolean enabled true to enable the menu item, false to disable it Required

Returns Boolean

Enable or disable the menu item. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required
Boolean expanded force the menuItem to expand if true, is collapsed otherwise Required
Boolean mustExecuteOnMenuItemExpand force the onMenuItemExpand to be executed. Optional, Default false.

Returns Boolean

Return false if menuItemId cannot be found or is disabled.



Type Name Description Required
Array<MenuItem> menuItems is an array of MenuItem objects. Each MenuItem object should set the required properties 'id', which uniquely identifies the menuItem object in menu, and 'text' property. The MenuItem may contain the optional properties 'styleClass', 'iconStyleClass', 'data', 'enabled', 'menuItems', 'isDivider'. Required

Returns void

Init the menu setting the root menuItems.


var menu = [{
  id: 1,
  text: "Sample Item #1",
  styleClass : "sn-large",
  iconStyleClass:  "glyphicon glyphicon-search",
  data: { description: "This is sample information that can be added to a menuItem" },
  menuItems: [{
  	id: 5,
  	text: "Sub Item #1"
  	}, {
  	id: 6,
  	text: "Sub Item #2"
  }, {
  id: 2,
  text: "Sample Item #2"
  isDivider: true
  id: 3,
  text: "Sample Item #3",
  enabled: false



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required
Boolean mustExecuteOnMenuItemSelect force the onMenuItemSelect to be executed. Optional, Default false.
Boolean mustExecuteOnMenuItemExpand force the onMenuItemExpand to be executed. Optional, Default false.
Number level reduce the search to the selected menuItem at level, if any menuItem is selected at level. Optional

Returns Boolean

Select the menu item with the given id. If level is provided search is optimized since it will search only within the descendant of the selected menuItem at level. For example if a root menuItem is selected and level is equal 2 search only in the subMenuItems of the selected root. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found or is disabled.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId the id of the menu item. Required
Array<MenuItem> menuItems is an array of MenuItem objects. Each MenuItem object should set the required properties 'id', which uniquely identifies the menuItem object in menu, and 'text' property. The MenuItem may contain the optional properties 'styleClass', 'iconStyleClass', 'data', 'enabled', 'menuItems', 'isDivider'. Required

Returns Boolean

Set the menuItems as sub menu items of the menu item with id 'menuItemId' Return false if menuItemId cannot be found.


var menuItems = [{
  id: 10,
  text: "Sample Item #1",
  styleClass : "sn-large",
  iconStyleClass:  "glyphicon glyphicon-search",
  data: { description: "This is sample information that can be added to a menuItem" },
  menuItems: [{
  	id: 12,
  	text: "Sub Item #1"
  }, {
  id: 11,
  text: "Sample Item #2"
  isDivider: true



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId The id of the menu item. Required

Returns Boolean

Remove the menu item and all it's subMenuItems from the tree. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found.



Type Name Description Required
String-Number menuItemId The id of the menu item. Required

Returns Boolean

Remove all the sub menu items of the menu item with id 'menuItemId'. Return false if menuItemId cannot be found.

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