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Paolo edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 6 revisions

Since V1.1.0

Select2Tokenizer is a component which allow the user to select multiple values as 'tokens' from a search field. The component is implemented on top of the Select2 library.


Table of contents

Styling Select2Tokenizer

The component has it's own CSS selector to be used for the restyle of the component. Note that fine-grained styling of the component is depending on the internal selectors of the select2 libary

element selector summary
.svy-select2-autotokenizer style the select2tokenizer
.svy-select2-autotokenizer-container style the select2tokenizer tags container
.svy-select2-autotokenizer-dropdown style the select2tokenizer dropdown


To adjust the Select2Tokenizer size, apart from stylying the component with your own CSS, you can use one the control size classes; the Select2Tokenizer offers 4 control size classes. Please note that each size class requires a certain height of the component for nice stylying and to avoid vertical scrollbars. To use the size classes just add one of them into the component's styleClass property. Default size class is select2-sm.

size class min-height font-size
select2-xs 20px 12px
select2-sm 32px 14px
select2-md 36px 16px
select2-lg 44px 18px

Select2Tokenizer Properties

Property Type Default Description
Boolean allowNewEntries false Allow the user to enter new entries not available in valuelist
Boolean closeOnSelect true Allow the user to select multiple options before closing the dropdown when set to false.
Boolean selectOnClose false Select the highlighted option when closing the dropdown.
Boolean openOnUnselect true Open the dropdown menu when the user removes a tag.
Boolean clearSerchTextOnSelect false This option is relevant only in combination with 'closeOnSelect' is false. When set to true the search text is cleared each time the user select an option from the dropdown, mantaining the dropdown open.
Boolean containSearchText false When set to true will search for any value containing the search term. By default will suggest all the items starting with the search term text.
String dataProvider The dataprovider of the component. Show the dataprovider value as selected tokens. Multiple choices in dataProvider are separated by a new line character '\n'.
Boolean enabled true The enable state of the component, default true.
String noMatchesFoundText No matches found The message shown when no matches are found.
String placeholderText Select... The placeholder text shown when there is no selected value.
Number tabSeq The element's tab sequence
String toolTipText The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor.
String styleClass the element style Classes.
Valuelist valuelist The valuelist that is used by this field to populate the list of items in the dropdown. The displayValue "-" is a special item which is replaced with a divider between the previous and the next items in menu.
Boolean visible true The visible property of the component, default true.

Select2Tokenizer Events

Event Params Return Description
onDataChange oldValue:String, newValue:String, event:JSEvent Boolean Method that is executed when the data in the component is successfully changed.
Multiple entries are separated by a new line char '\n'
onFocusGained event:JSEvent The method that is executed when the component gains focus.
onFocusLost event:JSEvent The method that is executed when the component looses focus.

Select2Tokenizer API

Event Params Return Description
requestFocus mustExecuteOnFocusGainedMethod:Boolean Request focus for the select2tokenizer. The user should press ENTER to open the dropdown list once the field has the focus.
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