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SecretVault 🔒

All-in-one solution for storing your Elixir application secrets inside the repository.


  • Standalone. No dependencies on external binaries.
  • Secure. Uses aes256gcm cipher by default. Detects weak and similar passwords with mix scr.audit task.
  • Developer friendly. You can use mix scr.* tasks to create or edit secrets in your favourit editor. Or you can use simple coreutils like mv, rm, cp.
  • Easy to use. Documatation is rich, errors are descriptive and tutorials take no more than 5 minutes to read.
  • Git friendly. SecretVault stores secrets in separate files, thus it is really easy to track in Git or any other VCS.
  • Mix friendly. SecretVault enforces separation of secrets for different environments.
  • Extensible. You can connect your own ciphers, vaults or key derivation functions.
  • OTP Compatible. Uses modern OTP 24 key derivation functions, or fallbacks to elixir implementation on lower OTP versions.


Check out this 5 minutes usage tutorial for basics and useful links.


Just add it to the list of dependencies like

def deps do
    {:secret_vault, "~> 1.0"}


If you want to contribute to the project or just want to test it localy (not as a dependency), you'll need to create config/config.exs file with following content.

config :secret_vault, :secret_vault,
  default: [password: "Some super secret"]


@benonymus -- for battle testing the project and giving the idea for runtime_secret macro