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Short for Bimipe, which is a yoruba word for "ask me anything", is interactive virtual assistant that help lecturers to provide personalised assistance to students.

It is still in development, but you can view the demo here. Explore Demo »


  • Answers general FAQ questions that new and existing students can ask

  • Gives course information details such as assignment updates, exam dates

    student: Hi Bimpe, tell me about CSC101?
    Bimpe: introduction to computer science 101 is handled by Dr. Sax.
           It is two credits and it is also a compulsory course.
    student: give me current updates on edt 202.
    Bimpe: There is a pending assignment and there is also a test on
           Tuesday, 19th January  2020.
    student: what assignment?
    Bimpe: Research about Chatbots in education, and give your views
           and justification for its usage and adoption in two pages.
  • gives personalised information about Level Advisers, such as

    - student:  Hey bimpe, who is Dr. Williams`
    - Bimpe: Dr. williams is a senior lecturer in Computer science department. and he is also the level adviser for 200l`
    - student: is he in school?`
    - Bimpe: no, he is currently not, but you can visit him on monday, around 10am - 12pm`
  • learns actively whenever she doesn't have answers for new questions asked.

  • more personalised features would soon be added

Project Structure

  • the src folder contains the code for the application
  • funtions folder contains program logic
  • component folder contains view components
  • variables.ts file contains variables and option settings for the application

Technologies Used

  • Dialogflow
  • Nextjs
  • Chakra ui


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